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Epsom Historical Association

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Historical Association Display at 2015 Old Home Day

[August 8, 2015] The Epsom Historical Association held its annual booth at the town's 2015 Old Home Day. On display were three swords, including one that belonged to Capt. Arthur C. Locke, and the Association's series of books and publication. The Association also sold raffle tickets as a fundraiser for the organization. A slide show of 1000 photos was run all day on a large screen TV in the gazebo. Thanks to Brett, Carleton, Harvey and Bill Meagher for setting up. Also thanks to Nancy, Judy, Emmy, Charlie, John, Penny, Jpyce and Carole for helping attend the booth throughout the day.


Historical Garden Completed

[July 2015] Kudo's and thanks to Master Gardener Nancy Heath for the completion of the Circa 1900 Period Sitting Garden at the old library, home of the Epsom Historical Association. The garden contains Wentworth lilacs whose lineage can be traced back to England. A refurbished bench is centered in the garden area which is on the east side of the library building. Thanks again to Nancy and her many friends and volunteers who assisted with the planning and implementing this wonderful historic garden.

New Publication - "Center Hill"

Center Hill NEW

The road from the Deerfield line to the old Epsom Meetinghouse was named East Street by the proprietors. In later years it was also called Elm Street after residents planted Elms along the road near the McClary Cemetery. The area was where the first twenty families settled the original 20 home lots, and built their meetinghouse, school and parsonage. The area also included a town pound and town common. The area had several stores and taverns that accommodated travelers that where heading inland from the coast. It became of lesser importance when the First New Hampshire came through town, which was on less hilly ground north of the old town center. The most notable family was the McClary's, who owned much of the land and did well by their mill operation. Later, Joseph Lawrence established himself as a large land owner and store operator, preceded by Thomas D. Merrill. Among other prominent families were Blake's, Locke's and Wallace's. 135 photos & images....148 pages....PREVIEW (2015)

New Publication - "Marden's Corner"

Marden's Corner (traffic circle) NEW

Marden's Corner was the crossroad where the First New Hampshire Turnpike met the old Gilmanton Road, running from Pembroke to Pittsfield. For nearly 150 years it was populated by primarily three branches of Marden's, and the corner was eventually replaced by a traffic circle located to the east. Based on the families shown in the county maps of 1858 and 1892 on the roads leading to Marden's Corner. The book includes information on most of the families and photos from the archives of the Epsom Historical Association. 97 photos and images...104 pages....PREVIEW (2015)

New Publication - "Short Falls"

Short Falls & River Road

The town of Epsom voted in 1778 to lay out two roads from Short Falls, one to Allenstown (River Road) and one, including a bridge, near the short falls (Short Falls Road). River Road would be populated primarily by Bickfords, and the Short Falls Road by Tripps. Short Falls was a close knit community and had a country store, creamery, function hall, railroad, grist mill, school, cemetery, blacksmith and shoe shops. The opportunities for employment saw the number of houses increase over the years, but many of them began to disappear after 1900. The area included parts of lot No. 7 in the second division owned by Thomas Critchett, and from the third range, lots 83 to 74. One of the earliest settlers was Nathaniel Kinneson at the four corners. 124 photos and images...112 pages....PREVIEW (2015)

New Publication - "Fowler District & Jug City" now available

Fowler District & Jug City

The first and second ranges in the second division of lots in Epsom ran from the Pembroke line north and included the Fowler District, Jug City Road, part of Route 28 and a portion of Mill House Road. It was divided into two ranges containing 20 lots, with the westerly side the first range second division, and the easterly side the second range, second division. Among the families that resided in the area were Martin, Lovejoy, Fowler, Dolloff, Gordon and Burnham..74 images...73 pages....PREVIEW (2015)


Association holds 'March Madness' Musical Meeting

The Epsom Historical Association held its March meeting at the Epsom Library on Sunday the 22nd at 2:pm with over 50 memebrs attending. Following the successful musical porgrams of the past few years, Broadway was chosen as the theme for local artists to perform. The over an hour of entertainment was enjoyed by everyone present and was followed by refreshments. On display for the afternoon were the numberous publications that the Historical Association now has available. The event was hosted by Bruce Graham. [view photos]

Thanks to all those who participated and the officers of the Association who put the wonderful program together. The next meeting will be a cemetery tour in the spring. Watch for details..

New Publication - "Sanborn Hill" book 2nd of 2015

Sanborn Hill NEW

At the time Charles McCoy was living in Epsom there was a 'Suncook Road' leading over the hill from Center Hill to Allenstown. This road is mentioned in deeds as early as 1752, and it was in 1768 that the town laid out the current road from Center Hill to New Rye. It was extended in 1772 'partly on the old way' through land of Levi Cass. Early deeds refer to this road as simply 'the Hill Road' and later as Sanborn Hill Road. The families that settled on the hill were the McCoy's, Sanborn's and Sander's. Along with these families were Daniel Goss and Charles Quimby, and at the foot of the hill, Samuel Blake. Samuel Blake sold a couple small lots at the base of the road occupied by families of Chesley, Weeks and Hall. The road is no longer a through road, ending as it approaches New Rye.61 images...84 pages....PREVIEW (2015)

New Publication of 2015 - "North Road to 107"

North Road to 107 NEW

North Road to 107 covers the families that occupied the northeastern part of Epsom from Pittsfield south to Deerfield. This includes North Road to the area of Lords Mill, down Route 107. The area was also home to several lesser known Epsom families, including the Pettingills, Emersons and McDaniels. The North Road was also where the First New Hampshire Turnpike crossed through Epsom from Northwood to Chichester and where toll gate number 4 stood. The Yeaton Tavern accommodated travelers for many years. Other families later included several lines of Brown's, and several families who were Quakers and associated with the Friend's Meetinghouse in South Pittsfield. 44 images...66 pages....PREVIEW (2015)


News & Notes 2014

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News & Notes 2013

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News & Notes 2010

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News & Notes 2009

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News & Notes 2008

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News & Notes 2007

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News & Notes 2006