Historical Center &




Update 3/16/10

The restoration work from the October furnace blow-back is just about complete. The Historical Association will begin with returning all its removed items and adding curtains, hanging pictures, and further preparing the upstairs for the new museum. The Library trustees will be working on blinds and replacing the ruined runners to help protect the floors upstairs. This is the last update on the restoration, and this page will return to covering the setting up of the research area and museum.

Update 3/09/10

Most recently, Monday the 8th, the new entrance downstairs was painted, along with the interior of the closet upstairs. There is not much left to do, but work once or twice a week has extended the completion day well beyound expectations, and the final cleaning still has to follow the end of the construction stage.

The electrical work, ie outets need to be finished. Electrical work has been on and off since last July.

The old double doors need to be hung upstairs, few can remember the last time they were seen in the original position.

The space between the new flooring and the old threshold has been finished.

New heating vents have been put back in the ceiling downstairs.

New light fixtures downstairs.

The inside of the closet now painted.

The newly painted exit door and wall.

Update 3/02/10

Only a few days work has been done the last couple of weeks. During the last week of February the new flooring was put down in the bathroom and old office. On March 2nd, the new exit door was installed downstairs, several ceiling vents added to help keep pipes from freezing, the the corner where the water entrance is, was boxed in. Some trim also was added to the stairwell. All the additions downstairs now need to be painted. The rest of the interior painting has been completed. There are still inserts needed for some of the downstairs lighting, the old double doors to be re-hung, and outlets added in the old stack room. Trim on the flooring upstairs is also needed. Once the construction work is complete, there will be a final cleaning before the Historical Association can move back in.

The new downstairs exit door, replacing the old glass sliding doors.

Ceiling vents and the corner boxed in covering the water entrance.

Some of the new trim in the stairwell.

Above, the new flooring upstairs in the bathroom and old office.

Update 2/18/10

Thursday, the stairs were carpeted.

Update 2/17/10

No work was done on Wednesday, but on Tuesday the furnance room was painted and the fixtures were begun to be hung downstairs.

Update 2/15/10

Monday, President's Day, the painting of the upstairs was completed.

Update 2/12/10

Friday the stack room was pretty much completed, the main room nearly done, the old reading room received another coat of paint. The bathroom and old office have also been painted.

Above and below, the stack room, nearly restored.

Above, the stack room ceiling, below, the main room over the staircase.

Above, the old office, below a peek inside the bathroom.

Update 2/11/10

Wendnesday and Thursday painting continued on the upstairs rooms.

Above, the large stack room, below, the entrance way.

Above, the wall over the fireplace, below, trim paint in the old reading room.

Update 2/9/10

On Tuesday much of the furniture that had been moved upstairs to make room for the downstairs construction, had bee moved back to make room upstairs for painting. The upstairs work continues as the trim around the woodwork in the stack room was stated, and the stacks moved away from the walls to paint behind them. In addition, the small reading room, the entrance and main area were cleared out and painting begun.

The stacks are moved away from the walls for painting.

Above shows the color of the stack room as the trim coat is applied.

Above, the wall and entrance to the stack room, below, the small old reading room is prepared for painting.

Above, much of the furniture has been moved back downstairs to allow more room upstairs to paint. Below the entrance way prepared for painting.

Update 2/8/10

Last Friday painting continued downstairs with the actual paint color, on Monday, work began painting upstairs in the stack room and stairwell.

Final paint color downstairs.

First coat being applied in the old stack room.

The downstairs stairwell gets some paint.

Update 2/4/10

Thursday, despite a section of wall where the water meter and outside pipes enter the bulding, and the lack of the new exit door, the downstairs basement received its first coat of paint.

Above you can see the exposed water meter and pipes, below where the new door is to be installed.

Update 2/3/10

On Wednesday the majority of the holes in the ceilings and walls upstairs, left behind by electrical work, were filled. Work also was done to cover the woodwork in preparation of painting the upstairs.

Above, holes filled in the walls and ceilings. Below, walls are starting to be covered.

Update 2/2/10

On Monday additional work was done on the walls and ceilings in the basement. Tuesday the frame to the new downstairs outside door was started.

Update 1/29/10

On Friday work continued on the walls and ceilings downstairs in preparation to re-paint.

Update 1/128/10

On Thursday the sheetrock was attached to walls downstairs, and both the walls and ceilings are nearly ready for paint. Upstairs, in the old stack room, all the windows and walls have been covered for painting to begin there.

The large old stack room is readied for painting - parts of the walls have never seen paint !!!

Below the new walls and ceilings downstairs as they are readied for painting.

Update 1/127/10

On Wednesday the bulk of the work was attaching sheetrock to the downstairs ceiling. The plumbing was done earlier to move the water pipes in the ceiling so they could be insulated. The entrance to the large room upstairs sealed off with plastic.

Work on the new ceiling downstairs.

The plywood area above is where the new exit door will be installed.

Update 1/126/10

On Tuesday the old exit, the glass sliding door was removed to be replaced by a regular solid door. This will be more secure and save on heat. Also, additional materials, ie sheetrock was delivered.

Update 1/125/10

The new week saw several trucks at the old library as the work continues to restore the interior. Monday much of the furniture was moved upstairs to make more room for the work to proceed in the basement. The process adding insulation to the ceiling took most of the day. Meanwhile, the electrical work continued to add two wall outlets and a floor outlet to the large room, and another outlet outside the old office.

Above a new outlet being added to the large room, plus the floor outlet below.

Insulation and material downstairs, with the insulation being added to the ceiling.

Bookcases and furniture tucked upstairs while the restoration continues downstairs.

Update 1/124/10

The power outage mid-week kept the new outlets from being installed, but the dangling light fixtures have been removed and may be replaced. Items were covered downstairs and materials dropped off to begin work on new ceilings and walls in the basement. On Saturday the 23rd, the toilet was removed, and new flooring was started to be added to the bathroom and old office. The downstairs plumbing, where the water line enters the building, will be moved further into building so it can be better insulated, saving the need for special venting in some of the walls and ceiling. The paint and carpet colors have been chosen, and the work effort should intensify this week.

Downstairs, the light fixtures were removed and lines capped.

Above, the removed toilet, below, new flooring being prepared for the laminate floor.

Update 1/14/10

A meeting with the insurance adjuster and Denis Cloutier, contractor for CSNH, along with Nancy Claris and Carole Brown, was held to finalize plans to finish the work at the old library. The work will include a new ceiling downstairs, insulation, ceiling vents near the water pipes, possibly new lighting fixtures, lighting covers, replacing portions of several walls and fresh paint. In addition the library trustess will have the rear exit double glass sliding doors replaced with a new single door, making the building more secure and easier to heat.

The stairs will have new carpet, and the bathroom and old office new laminate flooring. All the holes in the walls will be filled and the upstairs walls and ceilings will have new paint. At this same time, the original double doors will, after many years, will be re-hung. It is hoped also that the last four electrical outlets be added to the old stack room. New runners and curtains/shades will be replaced. The work should be completed by the first of February, at which time the Historical Association will move its oldings back in and begin to set up its museum.

Update 1/7/10

Servpro began the cleaning effort on Nov. 30, and worked four days that week, returning on Monday Dec. 7 to finish the first phase. On Wednesday Dec. 9, the Duct cleaning took a couple days and was followed by another visit from Servpro. Nothing was done the week before Christmas and Jan. 6 when the adjuster OK'd the clean up, and will next meet with the contractor to schedule the putting up of the new ceiling downstairs, and put back the portion of the walls that were removed downstairs. As part of this, light covers will have to be replaced. Once that is done, the final phase of replacing carpeting, plugging holes and painting will finish the insurance part of the restoration. The window shades and runners will be replaced.

Above: The removed ceiling and partial walls. Below: The clean-up upstairs nearing completion, with the old office and the smaller room still to be done.

Update 11/11/09

Insurance, clean-up companies and others met Wednesday 11/11 to start a plan of action to restore the interior of the old library. On Sunday Nov. 8th, Armand and Nancy Claris, Norma and Miriam Yeaton, Ken and Carole Brown, Ed Nutter, Joyce Heck and Carleton Rand, cleaned and removed the majority of the Historical Association's holdings into a trailer, and additional items to a dumpster. Item left to be cleaned included chairs with fabric and file cabinets. The curtains which were made for the library interior were not able to be saved and will have to be replaced. Also lost were the computer monitor and an all in one printer. The computer and laser printer continue to fuction. It appears the downstairs ceiling will have to be removed and part of a wall where there were open sections which allowed soot and oil dust to penetrate behind. It appears the cleaning company will start around Nov. 30 or later, with the duct cleaning to follow. A second phase, painting, will conclude the repairs.

The newly restored floor underneath a carpet compared to the oil covered section.

Above - Downstairs after items were removed, leaving items to be cleaned.

Sometime in October 2009, a serious furnace malfunction, "blow-back" forced greasy oil dust throughout the upstairs and downstairs of the old library. The downstairs seemed to have the worst damage. Every wall, surface and historical item not filed or stored in boxes was covered with the fine oil and dust. Just what efforts will be needed to try and restore items, check electronic equipment, and what and how the clean-up will begin, is still to be determined.


After a year of inactivity, work finally resumes at the Epsom Public Library Historical Center. The rail was completed at the end of 2007, and now in 2009 the electrical upgrade begins with a new entrance and new fixtures. Both upstairs and downstairs will see new lighting, and the upstairs will feature trac lighting to help highlight future displays. Gerry Rousseau is doing the electrical work. In June, the floors were refinished by Konopka Floor service. The last of the work will be on the ceilings and a new coat of paint upstairs. On the exterior, the chimney has been rebuilt.



July 15th, following the completion of having the floors refinished, the tracks for the lighting is hung and the wiring and dimmers readied upstairs.

June 18th, the floors are finished.

June 12th - Konopka Floor Services has begun refinishing the floors.

June 8th, the first track for lighting installed in the center area.

Emergency light removed to be relocated.

The old light switches removed to be replaced with new dimmers.

Installed new entrance box as new lighting is added.

The new entrance box installed and waiting for new service connection.6/3/09

The old cupboard has been removed to make way for the new entrance. 5/27/09

All the old fixtures upstairs have been removed to be replaced with track lighting. 5/27/09

The old covers to the lights removed to make way for new lighting fixtures. The work is being done by Gerry Rosseau.

Above - some of the old fixtures and lamp covers which were beyond replacing.

The new rail enclosing the stairway to the downstairs. Work by Jay Hickey and Carole Brown.


Carole Brown has completed phase one of preparing the downstairs of the old library for use as a research library, cleaning and painting the walls and ceiling. The office equipment and historical association files have moved in and are set up. Phase two, working on the upstairs is now underway.

September 1 - The free standing stack has been done, and Carole has moved to doing each individual shelf. The holes in the door frame from where the old storm door hung will be filled, and the section of old exposed frame will be varnished.

August 28 - The final wall in the stack room has been treated and the remaining stacks against the back wall have had the same work. The pieces have been bought to assemble a new rail around the top of the stairs; and the old aluminum storm door has been removed. The interior side of the exterior door will be redone to match the interior.

The back wall of the stack room with two of the three stacks which will remain.

Above, the interior side of the exterior door. The white will be replaced with a dark stain or varnish to better match the rest of the interior redwoood. Below, the door repainted (Aug. 28)

Below - materials to build the new bannister, some parts had to be ordered.

August 19 - The last bookcase was removed on the 13th, and once the floor is finished a new rail and banister will be installed around the descending staircase. The walls are done in all but the old stack room and those are currently being done. The remaining stacks will also be treated, less the back boards of the units. Still waiting for electrical estimate as that is the next work to be done. The refinishing of the floors was estimated at just over $1400.00.

The area where the last bookcase was removed. A new rail will be added above the stairs which descend to the research and office area.

Woodwork being cleaned and treated in the old stack room. Windows face Route 4. Mice nests were removed from under the remaining stack in this photo.

August 12 - The final stack and lumber have been removed by Jay Hickey, and some work was done on the inside closet. Carole continues the job on the woodwork which is coming out phenomenal. Another bookcase will be removed and a new railing will be installed around the descending steps to the basement.

Above - the woodwork completed in the small room. Glass door on cabinet repalced and re-hung. Below, the bookcase which will be removed.

Meanwhile, Phil Yeaton has begun filing the many papers in our collection.

Below - An acrylic display which may be used to showcase come of the historic items.

August 8 - Rainy alot of the day. Jay Hickey removed the next large stack leaving just on small one to remove. Carole Brown has started on cleaning and restoring the wood work. Waiting for estimates from the electrician and Konopka floor services.

Sorry, these three pictures are a bit blurry.

Picture does not do justice to how great and 'new' looking the woodwork is.

July 19th - Rainy day the one of the last three remaining stacks was neatly disassembled by Jay Hickey and Carole Brown. Looking pretty roomy !

Above, the dismantled stack.

Marks on the floor show where three of the five stacks once stood.

Above, the two remaining stacks.

July 18th - Three more bookcases are removed including the one outside the old office.

July 16th - Some of the old stacks are removed and bunting and flag inspected.

Three stacks still need to be removed, and already more natrual light brightens the room.

One removed stack against the wall shows the original plaster, unpainted, no cracks.

The footprint of one of the old stacks showing original floor boards.

The 45 star silk flag has a pretty good blue field, but the stripes have tattered and unraveled beyond any financial means we could muster to restore. Though the flag probably stood in the library at its opening, it has no other real historic significance. The flag has been removed from the standard and rewrapped and boxed for storage. A new flag will be eventually ordered to hang on the nearly 10 ft. high standard.

Part of 2 long buntings which need to be cleaned to be re-hung on either side of the fireplace.


The cabinet before it was removed by Jay Hickey, Carleton Rand and Carole Brown.

A few holes in the wall will have to be filled and painted now the cabinet has been moved.

This was the original location of the glass cabinet before it was moved into the hall entrance. A new flag flies outside the old library. Glass in the left side door needs to be replaced.


June 18th - ADDED SOME WALL HANGINGS & Bookcase shelves

And added the John D. Dow portrait over the fireplace upstairs.








Sample of fabric (above) for restoring curtains to entrance of the main room. Curtains made by Carole Brown and Anna Smith.