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Two pieces of sheet music by George E. Place, published in Gossville, NH, and a third published in Gilmanton, are part of the holdings donated to the Epsom Historical Association by Bruce Coutu. The only George E. Place with connections to Epsom and Gilmanton (where he is buried), was born August 8, 1837 in Gilmanton, son of Smith C. and Nancy J. (Dicey) Place. He married Elsie M. Kendall, and a son, Edwin J. Place was born to them in GIlmanton, March 31, 1862. Edwin married Alice Rouella Smith of Alton in Laconia in 1886. They bought a home in Epsom on New Orchard Road in 1907. Alice died in 1923 and Edwin sold the homestead in 1925 and moved to Stratham. He married in Exeter in 1925, Bertha L. Burnham of Epsom, daughter of George H. and Flora E. (Marden) Burnham. She died in Stratham in 1928 and his buried at the Short Falls Cemetery in her parents plot. Edwin was still living in 1940 and his buried with his first wife and parents in the Pine Grove Cemetery in Gilmanton Iron Works.

Nothing is known of George E. Place, other than he was a Civil War Veteran. The sheet music has publishing dates of 1904 for "Called Back to the Old Home" in Gilmanton, and 1907 for "Good Night Little One" published in Gossville, the same year his son moved to Epsom. Perhaps he lived with his son for a short time, as he did not own nor was taxed in Epsom. There is no mention of George E. Place as a composer, and if the pieces were composed about the time they were published, he would have been some 70 years old.

Though two of the pieces are attributed to Gossville, they most likely were printed elsewhere, as it is unlikely that there were any printing services that were able to print music and colored covers in either Epsom or Gilmanton. Not all the songs are complete, some are missing pages.

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George E. Place,

source of photo unknown.