Wigs Page

(some shown with hairnets still on)

Above Kenwigman wigs - 2 browns, 1white, 1 red.

2 Additional Kenwigman wigs, loose pony tails, white and near red.

Real hair wigs - Black, Light Brown and Blond (Beauty/Barber Supply)

Colonial Style auburn, white and Quaker/Stephen Hopkins style real hair wigs.

Brown Wig-Washington Style Wig- New England Barrister wig - Benjamin Franklin style wig

From eBay, G.W. Style wigs, 2 curls - Colonial Man Brown Wig - Right a grey wig (LACEY)

blonde wig, "bob" wig ,wigs to be styled in 'bob' fashion, twain wig to try "bob" styling

alternate Franklin Wig (theatre house)

Many of the characters do NOT wear wigs, but have hair pulled back in pony tails. Some wiglets may be added to peoples hair for this effect.

There are a fair number of people who wear wigs, and we are purchasing a few which should fit most heads, though some may have to be bought after casting for specific characters.

Same characters, like Franklin, and Jefferson with his red/auburn hair, will most likely be wigged because of their familiarity.

Cheap wigs look awful, real hair wigs are the best, but the most expensive. We will watch for deals and get the best we can.

All the men were clean shaven.

See what some of them looked like at our PORTRAITS page. Perhaps you might be interested in some of these historic individuals.

Characters likely to wear wigs:

Powdered wigs:

Lewis Morris, New York

George Read, Delaware

Samuel Chase, Maryland

Joseph Hewes, North Carolins

Special Wigs:

Benjamin Franklin, Pennsylvania

Stephen Hopkins, Rhode Island (with gray hat)

Likely to wear wigs:

Thomas Jefferson, Virgina (redish)

Any character whose hair is not long enough to support a hair-piece or just does not conform to the look of the character.