


Children of Andrew & Elizabeth McClary

Elizabeth Heath daughter of Andrew and Elizabeth McClary Born Augt 12th (year missing)

Andrew McClary son of Andw McClary Born Septr 8 1765

John McClary son of Andw McClary born Sept 4th 1767


The Children of James H. McClary & Elisa McClary

{Trans. gives middle initial of James as N)

Sally Sweat McClary born July 14th 1790

Andrew McClary born September 16th 1792 - deceased

Elisabeth McClary born April 24th 1794

Harriot (Harriett) McClary born July 25th 1796

Ann G. McClary Born May 9th 1800


recorded by Michl McClary Town Clerk

The Children of Michl & Sarah McClary

Elizabeth Harvey McClary born January 17th 178? {1780} deceased March 23d 1782

Nancy Dearborn McClary born November 27th 1781?

John McClary born January 6th 1764 Deceas'd June 24th 1784

John McClary born April 24th 1785

Andrew McClary born September 26th 1787

Nancy Dearborn McClary deceas'd August 20th 1789 precisely at Ten of the Clock afternoon

Nancy Dearborn McClary Born Septm 25th 1789

Elisabeth Harvey McClary born Novr 18th 1791

Mary McClary born July 23d 1794