Analectra Newspaper entries from 1884/1886

From the Analectra January 24, 1884
Mrs. Joanna Buzzell died the 10th, inst., aged 92. She had been a widow over 40 years.
The funeral of Mrs. Ephraim Locke, who died in Suncook, was held at the residence of her son-in-law Mr. James Fowler, on Monday. Mrs. Locke was 78 years old.
The children and grandchildren of Mr. Prescott Locke gave him an oyster supper on Monday night. It being his 85th birthday.
Horace B. Sherburne is bookkeeper at the shoe shop.
Miss Grace Edmonds is on the sick list
Miss Annie Cilley has recovered from her illness and had gone to work in the shoe shop again.

From the Analectra January 31, 1884
The Grand Army of the republic gave an entertainment at their hall on the evening of the 22nd inst.. There were two dramas by the Epsom Dramatic Club, music by the Jenness Orchestra of Chichester and dancing was kept up till a late hour.

From the Analectra February 13, 1884
Mr. [Jacob] Freeze Robinson is moving his family to Suncook where he has gone into the Dry Goods business with the Messrs. Johnson of that place. He has been in company with Mr. Silver at Gossville for the past 12 years, but sold out to Sumner Hall a few months ago. Mr. Sumner Hall has been appointed depot master, Mr. Robinson having resigned.
Willie Burnham, son of James M. Burnham, met with a sad accident Saturday afternoon while coasting, bruising his head so that he was unconscious for six hours and breaking his right leg just above the ankle. Dr. Smith was called and set the limb, and he is doing as well as could be expected.
Mrs. Dr. Smith's mother has been very sick with the pneumonia the past week. She is now thought to be better.
There was a cut down at the shoe shop last week.

From the Analectra February 28, 1884
A skating rink was opened at the Odd Fellows Hall last week.

From the Analectra March 20, 1884
At town meeting the town voted to by a hearse.

From the Analectra April 3, 1884
Mr. Moses Critchett, who died in Concord last week, was buried in the Short Falls Cemetery, he was a former resident of this town.

From the Analectra April 10, 1884
G.C. Knowles has sold out his butchering business to B.M. Towle.

From the Analectra May 15, 1884
Capt. Arthur Locke died May 10, 1884, 59 years, 6 months, 25 days. G.A.R. was in charge and the sermon was given by Elder M.A. Quimby of New Durham.

From the Analectra October 2, 1884
A new school house is nearly completed in the New Orchard district.

From the Analectra October 30, 1884
There is a brass band being organized at Gossville.

From the Analectra February 5, 1886
There are three writing schools in session in town. Mr. Crosby of Pittsfield has one at the town hall, Fred Heath has one in District 1 and Austin Yeaton at the North Road schoolhouse.

From the Analectra March 26, 1886
C.S. Hall had a very narrow escape from drowning Monday morning as he was crossing the shoe factory mill pond. The ice broke, letting him into the water up to his armpits, but by a hard struggle he made out to save himself.