Epsom articles from old newspapers



Portsmouth Oracle 7-21-1804

Epsom October 28, 1803
THE Partnership betwixt JAMES H. M'CLARY of Epsom, and DANIEL GOOKIN of North-Hampton, is this day by mutual consent dissolved. All Persons indebted to said Company are to make payment to said McCLARY, by whom all debts of the Company will be paid.

Portsmouth Oracle 2-28-1807

NOTICE is hereby given, that the Directors of the N.H. Turnpike Road, have voted to farm out for one year, from the first day of April next, the Toll that may be collected at the several gates on the said Road, and collected at the several gates on the said Road, and the same will be disposed of at Public Auction to the highest bidder - viz. the Toll that may be collected from gates No. 1,2,3 & 4 being the four lower gates, as the house of Joseph Richardson, innholder at Durham, on Thursday the 19th of March next, at 2 o'clock P.M. and the Toll from gates No. 5 and 6, being the two upper gates, at Godfrey's Tavern, at Epsom, on the 20th March, at 11 o'clock A.M. - Satisfactory security will be required of the purchasers, that they pay over to the Treasurer of the propriety, the amount of their respective purchases in four equal quarterly payments.
By order of the Directors,
Proprietor's Clerk.
Portsmouth, February 21

NH Gazette 2-4-1808
State of New Hampshire-Rockingham, ss.
NOTICE is hereby given to William M'Crillis, a non-resident proprietor and owner of land in the town of EPSOM, in said county, who had not paid his State, county, town, school and highway tax for the year 1804 - that so much of his land as will pay the same with incidental charges, will be sold at public vendue to the highest bidder, at the dwelling house of Daniel Cilley in said Epsom, on Monday the 24th day of March next, at 10 o'clock A.M. unless prevented by previous payment.
Epsom, January 14, 1805

Concord Gazette 5-31-1814

Dissolution of Partnership.

WE the subscribers, this day, by mutual consent, have agreed to dissolve partnership. All those indebted are requested to make immediate payment; all those who have demands against said firm, are requested to present their demands for settlement.
Epsom, April 27, 1814

NH Patriot 2-28-1825


THE subscribers have commenced the Paper manufacturing Business at Epsom Short Falls, N.H. under the firm of PARK & KENNESON, where they will pay CASH for unsorted RAGS; and for those of a good quality they will pay the highest price.
Epsom, N.H. Feb. 9, 1825.

NH Patriot 4-9-1827

NOTICE. Be it known, that, by virtue of an act of the Legislature of the State of New Hampshire, passed July 1st, 1819, we, Levi Locke, Abel Brown, B L Locke, Samuel W. Bickford, Daniel Cilley, Bradbury Cilley, Samuel Whitney, and others, our associates, do hereby give notice that we have formed ourselves into a Society known by the name of the Universalist Society in Epsom.
B.L. Locke, Clerk
Epsom, March 27, 1827

NH Patriot 4-16-1827

Merrimack ss
AGREEABLE to an act passed in this State June Session, 1819, notice is hereby given that A.W. Marden, John Sherburne, James Wiggins, jr. and Asahel Allen and their associates, have formed themselves into a religious Society by the name and style of the First Union Methodist Society in Epsom, and have caused the same to be recorded inour Book of records.
A true copy - Attest
Sam'l B. Cilley, Clerk
Epsom, April 10, 1827

Farmers Cabinet 8-13-1831

AN ACT to alter the names of certain persons.
BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened, That the several persons herein named shall hereafter be called and known by the names which, by this act, they are respectively allowed to assume, (viz.) William Keniston of Epsom, may take the name of William Johnson, and Jemima H. Keniston of Epsom, may take the name of Jemima H. Johnson; and Samuel W. Keniston of Epsom, may take the name of Samuel W. Johnson; and Elizabeth Ann Keniston of Epsom, may take the name of Elizabeth Ann Johnson; and Joseph H. Keniston of Epsom, may take the name of Joseph H. Johnson; and John S. Keniston of Epsom, may take the name of John S. Johson; and Robert Trickey of Allenstown may take the name of Robert Applelton, and John Trickey of Allenstown may take the name of John Appleton; and Thomas Trickey of Allenstown may take the name of Thomas Appleton; and Sally Trickey of Allenstown may take the name of Sally Appleton; and Rolinda Tickey of Allenstown may take the name of Rolinda Appleton, and Jane Trickey of Allenstown may take the name of Jane Appleton; and Catherine Tickey of Allenstown may take the name of Catherine Appleton; and Harriet Trickey of Allenstown may take the name of Harriet Appleton; and Robert Trickey Junior of Allenstown may take the name of Robert Appleton; and Samuel Trickey of Pembroke may take the name of Samuel Appleton; and Mary Trickey of Hooksett, may take the name of Mary Applelton, and Edwin Trickey of Chichester, may take the name of Edwin Appleton.
Approved July 2, 1831

NH Patriot 5-13-1833

Merrimack, ss.
Court of Common Pleas. February Term, 1833

EPHRAIM HASTINGS of Heath in the County of Franklin and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Esquire, Plaintiff, against John D. Haynes, of Epsom, in said county of Merrimack, Butcher, other wise called of Brighton, in the county of Middlesex and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Defendant. In a plea of the case founded on the note of said defendant under his hand dated the ninth day of February, 1831, for the sum of eight hundred dollars in eight months, and grace, made payable to one Samuel Davis or order and by him endorsed to the Plaintiff. Also, on said defendant's other note of the same date, under his hand for seven hundred dollars in six months, and grace, made payable to Samuel Davis or order and by him endorsed to the Plaintiff.
It has been suggested to the Court that the property of the defendant in said State of New Hampshire has been attached on the Plaintiff's writ and that said defendant has had no notice of the said attachment.
It is therefore ordered that said action be continued to the next term of the Court to be holden at Concord, in said county of Merrimack on the first Tuesday of September 1833, and that notice to be given to the said defendant of the pendency thereof by publishing a copy of this notice and the order of Court thereon in the New Hampshire Patriot and State Gazette, a newspaper published in said Concord five weeks successively the last publication thereof to be thirty days prior to the first day of said Term in September 1833.
Attest - M. Eastman, Clerk.

NH Patriot 7-12-1849

BE it known that on the 26th day of June 1849, I peaceably entered upon and took possessions of a tract of land situated in Epsom, in the county of Merrimack, bounded as follows: southerly by the first New Hampshire Turnpike road; easterly by land of Albion Perkins; northerly by land of Joseph Howe; westerly by land of William P. Silver, containing one acre more or less, being part of the land which Joseph Marden of said Epsom, conveyed to me by his mortgage, dated October 12th, 1846, and recorded in the Merrimack Records - for condition broken, and for the purpose of foreclosing the right in equity of said Joseph Marden, to redeem the same, and at the same time publicly declared the purpose and object of entry and possession.
Epsom, June 26th, 1849

Farmers Cabinet 7-28-1858

AN ACT to disannex the farms of Orland Hines, True Sanborn Jr., Abram Stanyan, Charles Stanyan, Joseph C. Bartlett, and James H. Langmaid, from Union School District in Epsom and Chichester, and annex the same to Centre School District No. 6 in Chichester.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened: That the homestead farms of Orlando Hines, True Sanborn Jr., Abram Stanyan, Charles Stanyan, Joseph C. Bartlett, and James Langmaid of Union School District of Epsom and Chichester, together with the inhabitants thereof living in said Chichester, and their taxable property, shall be and hereby is disannexed from said Union District and annexed to School District No. 6 in the town of Chichester, called the Centre District, for the purpose of schooling, until otherwise districted by said town of Chichester.
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.
Approved June 26, 1858