Epsom articles from old newspapers



NH Gazette 4-10-1761

THESE are to NOTIFY the Proprietors of the Town of Epsom, that they meet at the House of Mr. Jonathan Longfellow, Innholder in Rye, on Wednesday the 15th Day of April next, to chuse a Committee to prosecute such as have cut and carried Lumber off Epsom Common; such as refuse or neglect to settle with the present Committee: As also to act any Thing that shall be tho't proper for the Benefit of said Town and Proprietors. Also those Gentlemen that claim Rights in the Town of Epsom, and had not had them, are desired to appear at said Meeting, and prove their Rights, if any they have. The Meeting to begin at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon.
NATHAN MARDEN, Proprietors Clerk


Province of New Hampshire.
Know all Men by these Presents, that I Josiah Sanborn of Epsom, in said Province of New Hampshire, Yeoman, have constituted sundry Person from and before the Date of these Presents, to act in my Name; Now Know ye, that I do utterly disannul and revoke all former Power and Persons to act any Thing in my Name, or in my Stead, to appear by Virtue of any Power that I have given before this Date.
Epsom Feb. 25, 1768, JOSAIH SANBORN

New England Chronicle 2-8-1776 DESERTED

DESERTED some time ago from the company under my command in Col. Starks regiment, one Benjamin Barey, a fellow about 20 years of age, about 5 feet 8 inches high, formerly belonged to Epsom, in New Hampshire. Also, one Jonathan Wilkins, about 5 feet 7 inches high, a well built man about 27 years of age, formerly belonged to Amherst in New Hampshire. Whoever will bring said deserters to their regiment, on Winter Hill, shall have 5 dollars reward for each or either of them, by me.
Camp on Winter Hill, Feb. 12, 1776

From early newspapers 1780:
All persons thus have any demands against the estate of Major ANDREW McCLARY, late of Epsom, deceased, are required(?) to bring in their claims to ELIZABETH McCLARY, Administratrix to said estate, in order for settlement. And these persons who are indebted to said estate are requested to make speedy payment, otherwise they must expect to settle the consequence without further notice.
Elizabeth McClary, Administratrix
Epsom, November 22, 1780

NH Gazette 7-26-1783

T H E creditors to the estate of John Dwyer late of Epsom, deceased, intestate, represented insolvent, are hereby notified tat six months longer from the 29th day of May last are allowed the commissioners to receive their claim against said estate, and that they will attend that business on the first Monday of the five following months from three to six o'clock P.M. at the house of Widow McClary, innholder in said Epsom.
MICHAEL McCLARY, Commissioners
Epsom, June 22d, 1783


From early newspapers 1786:
State of New Hampshire, Rochingham
By leave from the Honorable Philip White, Esq. judge of probate, for the county of Rockingham, will be sold at public vendue at the house of Elizabeth McClary, in Epsom, on Monday the 27th day of March, instant, at two of the clock, afternoon, part of the real estate of of Andrew McClary, late of Epsom, Esq. deceased, viz.
A piece of land in Deerfield, being part of the lot No. 25, in the 8th range, containing 60 acres, well watered, with a considerable quantity of oak and pine timber standing thereon, and produces yearly, about 8 or 10 tons of hay.
Another piece of land lying in Epsom, being one of the home lots, in said town, containing (by grant) 50 acres, pleasantly situated, lying on the road that leads through said town, and adjoining to the home lot that Major Amos Morrill now lives on. -- Said land has, for a number of years, been under improvement; has on it a good ORCHARD, that will produce 12 barrels of cyder yearly, is well watered, and pasturing sufficient to keep (in the season of pasturing) six cows; and as good for tillage and mowing as any in said town, according to the quantity of acres.
Conditions of sale to be seen at time and place.
ELIZABETH McCLARY, Adm. to said estate.
Epsom, March 1, 1786

From old newspaper 1786:
By virtue of a licence from the hon. judge of Probate, &c. for the county of Rockingham will be sold at PUBLICK VENDUE, on Friday the 6th day of October next, at the dwelling house of the widow Mary Tuck of Epsom, ONE HUNDRED ACRES OF GOOD LAND in said Epsom, No. 8 , in the second range, ---Conditions of sale to be made known at the time and place of sale. -- Allso, to be LETT and entered upon next April, the FARM where the widow Mary Tucke now lives, containing 100 acres with a good dwelling house and barn thereon, the said Farm is partly under improvement, it has produced eight tons of good English hay, sixteen barrels of cyder, and fifty bushels of Indian corn, has excellent pasturing. -- For further particulars enquire of the widow Mary Tucke of Epsom, or Daniel Pierce of Portsmouth.
Portsmouth September 5, 1786


G O O D S,
William Duncan,
Informs the public, that he has for sale, a general assortment of
English and Westindia
at his Stores in
Concord, Epsom, and Sanbornton,
Which he is selling cheap for
Cash, Ashes, Salts, and Flax Seed.
He also informs the public in general, that those GOODS were received before the Small Pox broke out in Boston and the adjacent towns; and that he will not receive any Goods into his Stores, from Boston, Charlestown, or any towns where that contagious disease prevails, until they are thoroughly free from the infection.
And the highest price, given for
Good Salts.
Wanted, a quantity of
Good Staves & Heading.
Concord, Sept. 7, 1792

Concord Gazette 11-16-1807

THIS is to forbid all persons harboring or trusting, John Sherburne, Abigail Sherburne, Polly Sherburne, Betsey Sherburne, David Sherburne, jun. and Nancy Sherburne, my children, on my account, as I shall pay no debt or debts of their contracting after this date.
Epsom, Oct. 20th, 1807


ALL persons who have demands against the Estate of SETH BARTLETT, late of Epsom, deceased, are requested to exhibit them; and those indebted, to make immediate payment to
Epsom, Sept. 25th, 1809

Concord Gazette 3-6-1810


Mr. Tuttle,
It is a great hardship that the Northern part of the County of Rockingham, which is very populous, should be subjected to the great inconvenience of having their Courts of Law, and all the county offices at the lower part of the county. Some of the offices might be more central without any new expense to the county- particularly that of Recorder of Deeds. I therefore take the liberty of recommending
of Epsom, as a Gentleman well qualified to discharge the duties of that office. The central situation of Epsom, and its being a post town, renders it a very suitable place for the office. I understand that this Gentleman, will be handsomely supported by the upper part of the County, and the other parts of the county, can have no reasonable objection to the removal of the office.

Newburyport Herald 3-12-1813


LOST last night, at the FIRE, a POCKET BOOK, containing Bank Notes to the amount of 165 dollars, and a number of valuable papers of no use to any person but the owner. - Whoever has found the same shall be suitable rewarded on application at this office.
Epsom, Feb. 12, 1813

Concord Gazette 5-5-1813

To be Let,

ON liberal terms, and possession given the 6th day of March next, that pleasantly situated Farm, in Deerfield, well known by name of Godfrey's Tavern, near Pleasant Pond, so called, which is considered to be one of the best stands for a Tavern and Store, in the State. There is on said farm, a good house, Store, two Sheds, Woodhouse, and a complete Stable, well finished, and an Orchard that produced apples sufficient to make from 15 to 20 barrels of Cider the last season. It is also well wooded.
For further particulars, enquire of Mark French, of Epsom, where the conditions will be made known.
Jan. 5, 1813

NH Patriot 6-22-1813

ABSCONDED from the town of Epsom, SOLOMON SUTTON, a town pauper. All persons are hereby forbid harboring or trusting him on the account of said town, for we shall not pay any debt of his contracting after this date.
Samuel Morrill
Richard Tripp
Bickford Lang - Selectmen
Epsom, June 10, 1813

NH Patriot 1-25-1814

NOTICE. All persons who have demands against the estate of John Dolloff, late of Epsom, deceased, are requested to exhibit them; and those indebted to make immediate payment to SAMUEL MORRILL, or the subscriber.
Mary Dolloff, Adm'x
Epsom, Jan, 4, 1814

Concord Gazette 5-31-1814

Dissolution of Partnership.

WE the subscribers, this day, by mutual consent, have agreed to dissolve partnership. All those indebted are requested to make immediate payment; all those who have demands against said firm, are requested to present their demands for settlement.
Epsom, April 27, 1814

Concord Gazette 3-11-1815

The following communication was received two or three weeks since for publication. We had heard the story to which it relates, ad the source when it sprang, but deemed it too ridiculous to require contradiction. As, however, we are informed, great exertions are making to circulate this report, with a view to prevent the election of Mr. Sanborn, we feel it our duty, in justice to the character of the Gentleman, to insert the certificate of Levi Towle, Esq., the person with whom the transaction referred to, took place.
I the subscriber, hereby certify, that I have known and dealt with Josiah Sanborn, Esq. of Epsom, for many years. I always found him to be a fair, honest, upright man, in all his dealings. I never knew him to take any property of any kind from me wrongfully. The story that is in circulation of Esq. Sanborn's taking a twenty dollar bank bill from me, wrongfully, is a mistake. I know of no such thing: There was a 20 dollar bill swept from my table by some means, I know not how, but I did not miss the bill until Esq. Sanborn asked me if there was not a mistake about the money he had paid me; I answered not to my knowledge; I will look and see, Esq. Sanborn said you need not look, for I have taken off the floor a twenty dollar bill, and I know it to be the same bill I just paid you, and handed it to me.
Feb. 9th, 1815

Concord Gazette 6-27-1815


ALL persons indebted to the Estate of Nathan Libbey of Epsom in the County of Rockingham, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment and those that have Demands are requested to present them for settlement at the house of the subscriber on the third Tuesday of this and the three following months at one o'clock P.M. on each of said days.
Epsom, June 6, 1815


Col Samuel Osgood's Estate.
NOTICE is hereby given, that the subscriber has been duly appointed Executrix to the las Will and Testament of
late of Epsom, in the county of Rockingham, deceased, and has undertaken that trust, by giving bonds as the law directs. All persons having demands against the Estate of said deceased, are requested to exhibit them for adjustment; and all indebted to said Estate, are requested to make immediate payment, to
Agent for Elizabeth Osgood, Executrix.
Epsom, Feb. 7, 1820


NH Patriot 5-23-1825


WILL stand the ensuing season for the use of mares at the following places, will commence on Saturday may 14, at Joel P. Tibbet's tavern in South-Deerfield, and will be there on all the Saturdays through the present season. Also will be at Col. Daniel Cilley's tavern in Epsom, on Monday, May 16, and will continue to be there on all the Mondays through the season, and the rest of the time at the subscribers in Epsom.-
Said horse is fifteen hands high, four years old and of a dark bay color, and is said to be one of the finest horses that ever was raised in the County; and has all the good qualities of the old noted Bullrock that was owned by Benjamin Thompson. Any person that wishes to examine said horse, may have an opportunity by calling at the above names places.
Terms. $150 the leap, 250 the season and to warrant as parties can agree.
Epsom, April 12, 1825


To the Honorable John Harvey, Judge of Probate of Wills, &c. for the County of Rockingham, and State of New Hampshire.
HUMBLY shews John Cate, of Epsom, in the County of Merrimack and State aforesaid, that he is guardian of Olive Wood of said Epsom, widow, and an insane person, by the appointment of the Judge of Probate for the County of Rockingham - that said Olive is seized of the following described real estate, to wit: a certain tract of land with the buildings thereon, situate in Epsom aforesaid, near Parson's Mill, so called, and bounded as follows - northerly and westerly by Benjamin Towle's land and Chichester line, northerly and easterly by land formerly owned by Sherburne, supposed to contains about seventy-five acres - and that it would be conducive to the interest of her the said Olive to sell the property aforesaid. Wherefore your petitioner prays that he may have liberty to sell and convey the said estate in such manner as shall be most beneficial to said Olive, and your petitioner shall ever pray.
JOHN CATE, Guardian
Jan. 27, 1827

NH Patriot 4-9-1827

NOTICE. Be it known, that, by virtue of an act of the Legislature of the State of New Hampshire, passed July 1st, 1819, we, Levi Locke, Abel Brown, B L Locke, Samuel W. Bickford, Daniel Cilley, Bradbury Cilley, Samuel Whitney, and others, our associates, do hereby give notice that we have formed ourselves into a Society known by the name of the Universalist Society in Epsom.
B.L. Locke, Clerk
Epsom, March 27, 1827

NH Patriot 4-16-1827

Merrimack ss
AGREEABLE to an act passed in this State June Session, 1819, notice is hereby given that A.W. Marden, John Sherburne, James Wiggins, jr. and Asahel Allen and their associates, have formed themselves into a religious Society by the name and style of the First Union Methodist Society in Epsom, and have caused the same to be recorded inour Book of records.
A true copy - Attest
Sam'l B. Cilley, Clerk
Epsom, April 10, 1827

NH Patriot 2-13-1832


If not previously sold at private sale, will be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION, on the premises on Monday, the second day of April, nest, at nine of the clock A.M., a PAPER MILL in complete running order, situate on Suncook river in the town of Epsom, County of Merrimack and State of New Hampshire; said mill is abundantly supplied with a spring of water of the purest kind, a good aqueduct and cistern - also a convenient
With 20 rod of said mill, with a good well of never failing water, a young orchard of choice ----- fruit, and several never failing springs of water, near the house.
One other convenient DWELLING HOUSE & BARN within about 50 rods of said mill with a good well of water, and a young orchard, also a GRIST MILL with two run of stones, situated on the opposite side of the stream. The town bridge crosses directly from one mill to the other. For terms and further particulars apply to NEHEMIAH R. KENNISON on the premises or to RICHARD PARK, in Taunton, Mass.
Epsom, Jan. 23, 1832

NH Patriot 11-5-1832

We are informed that no less than FOUR BUSHELS of tory newspapers, extras, handbills and pamphlets have been sent to the single town of Epsom during the last few weeks. Such of these are not franked by Daniel Webster and other members of Congress, come charged with postage. In many instances the persons to whom large bundles are directed, refuse to take them out of the mail; and thus a direct fraud on the Post Office Department is committed. What would have been the condition of the public mails, had Daniel Webster and his partly succeeded in taking off the postage on newspapers, extras and handbills? Our stages would have been more heavily loaded with this free commodity than they ever were with passengers !

NH Patriot 9-1-1834

Head Quarters, 3d Brigade N.H. Militia
Epsom, Aug. 15, 1834
Perkins Gale, late Brigade Quarter Master has been promoted, appointed and commissioned Inspector of the third Brigade with rand of Major, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly.
B.L. LOCKE, Brigadier General

Head Quarters, 3d Brigade N.H. Militia
Epsom, August 15, 1834
Thomas D M Locke, late Paymaster in the 18th Reg., has been promoted and appointed Quarter Master of the third Brigade with the rank of Major; and Jonathan L. Cilley, has been appointed Aid de Camp to the Brigadier General of said Brigade with the rank of Captain, and they will be obeyed and respected accordingly.
By order of the Brigadier General,
PERKINS GALE, Brigade Inspector
The Regiments constituting the third Brigade will parade for Inspection and Review as follows, viz:
The 8th Regiment October 2, 1834
11th Regiment October 3, 1834
38th Regiment October 7 , 1834
18th Regiment October 8, 1834
17th Regiment October 9, 1834

NH Patriot 7-2-1838

COMMISSIONER'S NOTICE. The subscriber having been appointed by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Merrimack Commissioner to receive, examine, adjust and allow, all the claims and demands against the estate of JOSIAH KNOWLES late of Concord in said County deceased, to be administered as an insolvent estate, and six calendar months from the 22nd day of May 1838 being allowed for that purpose, hereby gives notice that he will attend to the duties of his appointment at his dwelling in Epsom in said County on the first Tuesday and on the last Saturday of September and on Thursday the 15th day of November next from 1 to 5 o'clock in the afternoon on each of said days.
Epsom, June 26th, 1838


NOTICE. This is to certify that I have given my son NATHAN EMERSON his time to act and trade for himself. I shall claim none of earnings nor be responsible for any debts he man contract from this date. - JESSE EMERSON

Attest - Benj. Sanborn, George B. Ham
Epsom, March 6, 1839

NH Patriot 10-23-1845

"The State paper can point our the 'individual distinguished' or otherwise, who has effected the removal of Gen. Locke living beyond the limits of Epsom." - Hill's print.
"The "State paper" can do no such thing. The reckless falsifier who conducts the 'Great Corporation Advocate,' state that 'probably' the removal was effected 'at the instance' of Col. Pierce. We are authorized to say that Col. Pierce has exerted no influence, directly or indirectly, in relation to the removal and appointment of postmaster at Epsom. No man in Concord, to our knowledge, had the least thing to do with the removal of Gen. Locke. We did not know that any effort was made for his removal, till the notice of the removal was sent to us for publication. Hill must hunt up another 'clique' to hold answerable for Gen. Locke's removal, and other removals of which he complains.

NH Patriot 8-23-1849


WILL be sold at Public Auction, on Saturday, the 8th day of September next, at four o'clock P.M., on the premises, the old Congregational meeting house in Epsom. The building is about 50 feet by 40, the timber in the frame is large and with the rest of the wood work is believed to be sound and good.
Conditions at time and place of sale.
Frederick Sanborn
Moses P. Gray
Jonathan L. Cilley, Committee of the Proprietors.
Epsom, Aug. 20, 1849

NH Patriot 6-13-1850

QUICK WORK. - At Long Falls Mills, in Epsom, Mr. Stickney Robinson, a few days ago, sawed, with a hand machine, 17,000 shingles in ten hours and twenty-five minutes. - Mr. R. says that if any person can beat this, he will do better next time/