Edwin M Sherburne Diary.pdf

The 1862 Civil War Diary of Edwin M. Sherburne

Through the courtesy Al Bickford, the 1862 Civil War Diary was loaned to the Epsom Historical Association to be scanned and transcribed. The transcription was primarily the work of Ella Van Camp, whom we gratefully thank. Text in brackets [example] are best attempts at correcting the original text.

Edwin Moses Sherburne was born inEPsom July 15, 1840 to Capt, James M. and his first wife, Betsey Chesley (Blake) Sherburne. GAR records give birth as June 1839 - NH Births July 15. 1840. He was a member of the 6th NH Regt. - 1862, Epsom, NH. Discharged Nov. 19, 1862 from Echington Hospital, Wasington, DC for defective vision and hearing (from US National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, Milwaukee, Wis). He died in Milwaukee January 14, 1916.

Wednesday, January 1, 1862

they welcomed the old year out & the new year in
I went on gard [guard] first relief at nine o'clock at Washington Olive hill
bottle of ink 1 cent
pencil 5 "

Thursday, January 2, 1862

came from guad [guard] at five
washed a shirt & handchief [handkerchief]
went a mile & got a pail of water

Friday, January 3, 1862

went & helped get a pail of water a mile & over
washed a pair of stockings
went on dress perade [parade]
fireing [firing] towards centervill [Centerville] and farefax [Fairfax]
some say it is a battle & others say practice
butter 4 cents

Saturday, January 4, 1862

role call in the morning
went & got a pail of water
washed a pair of shirts & towel
went on dress perade [parade] & formed a haulow [hollow] square
& returned to our quarters
white Bread & boiled ham rice white B [Bread] & beef
lent dollar to Tilton quarter to Wiggins
went to prayer meeting camp Hamilton Washington d.C. [D.C.]
song book

Sunday, January 5, 1862

went on dress-perade [parade] & formed a
haulow [hollow] square & the Chaplain
made a prayer in Washington D.C.
10 cts [cents] for ginger cakes
I went to prayer meetting [meeting] at camp Hamilton

Monday, January 6, 1862

we left camp Hamilton & stop at
the soldier's rest eat supper at the
sol retreat 5 cts [cents] for a pint of mile
12 cts [cents] for a pie

Tuesday, January 7, 1862

in Washington we eat breakfast at the retreat
we left Washington about for Anapolis [Annapolis], Md
we arrived there along about eavening [evening] at which we
took up our quarters in some of the dwelling houses in the
Navy yard

Wednesday, January 8, 1862

14.30 I received fourteen dollars thirty cts [cents]
I sent home to lewis [Lewis] $10.25
I lent A Haynes $5.00 to be payed [paid] at next payment
let M Sherburne have .50 cts [cents]
6 cts [cents] for half lb. cheese
soap 06 cts [cents]
Apples 05 cts [cents]
I went into capitol of m.d [Maryland]

Thursday, January 9, 1862

I bought 10 ginger cakes 10 cts [cents]
we stayed at Anapolis [Annapolis] all day
and going to stop all night

Friday, January 10, 1862

we went on board the steam
boat Louisiana & started about nine
we went a little ways & droped [dropped]
Anchor & stoped [stopped] all night until
the forg [fog] was off it was forgy [foggy] all day

Saturday, January 11, 1862

this morning fogg [fog] it was clear
they took up Anchor and went on
the Chesapeak [Chesapeake] Bay which
we went on pretty lovely until the
boat began to rock & there was a few
that was sea sick

Sunday, January 12, 1862

we stoped [stopped] near the fort monrow [Monroe]
where we laid at Anchor all day
a few read the testament
at night we moved of the Narcia Geenlief to
the Louisana [Louisiana] for foart [Fort] Clark
I got a letter

Monday, January 13, 1862

we went along very well until
coming around the cape hateras [Hatteras]
which was very rough there was a number
sea sick we stoped [stopped] nere [near] foart [Fort]
Clark at hateras [Hatteras] inlet
we stayed in the between) [between] Deck all night

Tuesday, January 14, 1862

we stayed at hateras [Hatteras] inlet all day
we had a northester [Northeastern] the wind
blew & it rained a little we laid at
Anchor all day
2 cts [cents] for tea

Wednesday, January 15, 1862

we had orders to move
We moved our bagage [baggage] onto
the steam boat Union & stoped [stopped]
on that all night we laid in the
upper Deck
it rained a little

Thursday, January 16, 1862

we rested very well last night & arose
this morning & started for hatterass [Hatteras]
Island which we arived [arrived] about noon
& pretty soon the baggage was on [un]
loaded & we were landed & pitch a
tent & laid our things in it
potatoes f. pork fr. bread

Friday, January 17, 1862

this morning it was cloudy it rained in the afternoon
& eavening [evening] D. benjimen [Benjamin] took a worlk [walk] on
the sea shore & picked a few shells
& met the rigt [regiment] coming in to camp
Col. Allen of the 9th N.Y. his Surgeon
& a mate of the boat were lost the (boat) was tiped [tipped]
over 7 they got drownded [drowned] Burnsides
Expedition is there at hatteras [Hatteras] inlet

Saturday, January 18, 1862

Cloudy but not rainey [rainy]
our tent we moved this morning
about a hundred rods or so &
pitched it and eat our dinner
& I cleaned my gun & took a
walk out to some of the houses

Sunday, January 19, 1862

we & the new york 9th had
inspection of arms & very good
Music they had dress-perade [parade]
in the afternoon with
music from the band
(Camp Wool)
sent a letter to Lizzie

Monday, January 20, 1862

haynes [Haynes] is very sick this
morning they had dress perade [parade] with music
we take down our tent get redy [ready] to
move about mile & a half we got here &
put up our tent I took a walk
most up to the fort & help get some
board & I went & got some water

Tuesday, January 21, 1862

Camp Winfield
role call at quarter past six beakfast [breakfast] 1/2 six [half past six]
went out to shell in fournoon [forenoon]
4 came back to dinner had potatoes
boil beef & boil pork went out in the after
noon to drill & on dress perade [parade] came
back to supper had fritters and suggar [sugar]

Wednesday, January 22, 1862

role call beakfast [breakfast] Call eat
our beakfast [breakfast] & went out to drill
in the fournoon [forenoon] & came
back to dinner & went out
in the afternoon to drill &
on dress-perade [parade] & came back to
supper fritters all day Cloudy &
cold all day

Thursday, January 23, 1862

rainey [rainy] & cloudy role call
in the morning breakfast
call fritters & beef fritters
& pork for supper & poor
coffee still it is cloudy Robert
Crawford & I went after wood
Benj. Robinson & I took a walk & found
some pieces of apples

Friday, January 24, 1862

still it continuing raining &
blowing all last night this fournoon [forenoon]
a floor to our tent it thundered
& lightened it rained pretty fast Benj.
& I went out to a walk & went into two
houses last they cooking a hoe [whole] coffee cake & brisket

Saturday, January 25, 1862

fair Weather this morning
our company is on guarg [guard] to
day I helped whealbro [wheelbarrow] some
sand to fill our streat [street] & went
after some wood & wormed [warmed]
some warter [water] & washed my Clothes
stare lite [star light] to night
two mile to day

Sunday, January 26, 1862

fair Weather sun rose clear
I & Cerley went and got some
wood for the cook house
most a half mile to get it
Benj. & I went out on the
seashore & picked up some
shells had fritters for break [breakfast] beans for
supper no dinner meetting [meeting] in meet
ting [meeting] house
haynes [Haynes] died about nine

Monday, January 27, 1862

role call breakfast went out on dress-
perade [parade] & to drill this fournoon [forenoon] came
back to dinner went at quarter past
one to drill Cold & cloudy to
day sprinkle a little this eavening [evening]

Tuesday, January 28, 1862

Cloudy & fair to day eat our
breakfast went out on dress-perade [parade]
in the morning & came back to the
furneral [funeral] Ambras [Ambrose] haynes [Haynes] was
burred [buried] we eat dinner went out to
drill in the afternoon on dress-perade [parade]
eat supper

Wednesday, January 29, 1862

eat our hard bread pork had coffee
went out on dress perade [parade]
& to drill untill [until] noon came
back to dinner quarter past one
out to drill & on dress perade [parade]
half past four perade [parade] dissimisted [dismissed]
fritters for supper 10 cts [cents] for molas [molasses]
(20 cts [cents] qt.)

Thursday, January 30, 1862

role call at half past six we had
hard bread & pork coffee for breakfast
went out on dress-perade [parade]
orders to clean our equipments for
Inspection for tomorrow boil potater [potato] boil beef
& a fritter out on dress perade [parade] at four supper
two fritters & a piece of pork

Friday, January 31, 1862

breckfast [breakfast] hard bread & porck [pork]
went out for Inspection a part
of four rigts [regiments] & the rodiband battery &
pieces 6th N.H. 9th N.Y. 48th N.Y. eat our
dinner Benj. & I went to take a walk
went into a house up to a foart [fort] ____ (taht? ) building
two off rained little in eavening [evening]

Saturday, February 1, 1862

we eat breakfast hard bread & pork &
coffee no drill to day Benj. & I &
a number of us went out on the beach
& picked up some shells came back
in the afternoon to dinner fritters &
boil pork went out on dress-perade [parade]
bennie [Bennie] & I went out for some molasses a 6
quart fully 15 cts [cents] 07 cts [cents] for molasses
I received three letters from lew [Lewis] lizzie [Lizzie] & mother &
papers four (nothing else written)

Sunday, February 2, 1862

hard bread & pork for breakfast went out
on company Inspection
we had beans & pork & fritters we (had)
hard bread for dinner went out
on dress-perade [parade] we had Inspection
of the tents by Gen. Williams fritters & molasses
I was writing to lew [Lewis] & reading testament

Monday, February 3, 1862

we had hard bread - beef no Coffee
no drill or no dress-perade [parade]
a little rain this day we
had a fritter & salt beef
for dinner I wrote to Lewis at
pittsfield [Pittsfield] I helped get some provisions
down to hospital fritters & shugger [sugar] for supper

Tuesday, February 4, 1862

to day Co. (and) I furnishes the guard
24 went out on picket guard
hard bread & a fritter for breckfast [breakfast]
I went on guard at eleven oclock [o'clock]
at the meeting house to guard that on
hatteras [Hatteras] Island NC. $395 on ha (???)
I see a possom [opossum] we had fritters & sugger [sugar] supper

Wednesday, February 5, 1862

this morning we were on guard
untill [until] eleven oclock [o'clock] hard bread & beef
stayed at the guard tent soup & hard
bread for dinner fair and
pleasant dress perade [parade] frit we
had fritters for supper

Thursday, February 6, 1862

Cloudy this morning we
had pilot bread and pork coffee for
breckfast [breakfast] we went out on dress-
perade [parade] at eight oclock [o'clock] & drilled untill [until]
quarter to ten one fritter & two cackers [crackers] & beef for
(dinner) went out on dress perade [parade] supper two fritters
& sugger [sugar] rained part of the day

Friday, February 7, 1862

this morn it was cloudy fritters for breck [breakfast]
went out on dress-perade [parade] & drill untill [until]
quarter to ten came offercers [Officers] sargents [Sergeants]
Corporals drill untill [until] noon fritters & pork
for dinner drill & dress-perade [parade] in afternoon
untill [until] five orders for to morrow come
out in hevy [heavy] marching order come out half
past eight fritters & sugger [sugar] coffee for

Saturday, February 8, 1862

we had for breckfast [breakfast] pilot Bread & beef
no marching or drill to day
it cloudy & rainy most of the
day we had rice for dinner
I took a walk and got a Cantein [canteen] full of
Molasses sent a letter home to father fritters for supper
roanoak [Roanoke] Poland & Elizabeth city taken

Sunday, February 9, 1862

Capt. Ela hads [has] got the rheumitism [rheumatism]
Cloudy & a little cold we had
pilot bread & beef for breckfast [breakfast] went out
on dress-perade[parade] & came back had company
Ispection [Inspection] had our quarters Intspection [Inspection]
we had beens [beans] & hard bread for dinner went to
meeting at two at meeting house out on dress-perad [parade]
fritters for supper
Romans 14 Ch. 8 verse the tex [text] the Chaplain

Monday, February 10, 1862

breckfast [breakfast] pilot bread & pork
Cloudy & rainy with north wind
rained all the fournoon [forenoon] (Jos. Shepherd celery
Smith & I wood & water detail) we had fritters
& beef for dinner rained sacked up a little we
went after wood went on dress-perade [parade]
quarter to five oclock [o'clock] fritters & sugger [sugar] supper

Tuesday, February 11, 1862

fair weather this morning
we went out on Battalian [Battalion] drill
dress perade [parade]
with nap sacks [knapsacks] on canteens haversacks on pilot
bread for breckfast [breakfast] fritters & pork
for dinner went out on Battalion drill
dress perade [parade] I had a paper from Concord fritters
for supper & coffee star light & moon light

Wednesday, February 12, 1862

fair & pleasant
we pilot bread fresh beef & coffee for breckfast [breakfast]
we went out on Cattalion movements
hevy [heavy] marching order for regt [regiment]
& battery formed a halow [hollow] square received news
that they feet had taken roanoak [Roanoke] Elizabeth city
6 foarts [forts] & (w)e had soup for dinner & pilot bread went out
on battalion movements dress perade [parade] fritters & coffee
supper O.B. ________ (Sperard?) went to hospital Ela went house

Thursday, February 13, 1862

fair & pleasant Co. (&) I furnishes the guard
we had coffee fritters & pork for breckfast [breakfast]
went out on battalion movements practice
in fireing [firing] went out on guard mount on
guard at eleven dinner fritters & pork they
had dress-perade [parade] the Co. P boys
are haveing [having] a pretty good time
we stoped [stopped] at the guard tent fritters for (supper)

Friday, February 14, 1862

moonlite [moon light] & stare [star] lite [light] fair weather
to day there was lightening
or the flash of the canon in the
south 8 or 10 times fritters or fresh beef
& coffee for breckfast [breakfast] boys haveing [having] a little
fun (fritters & frid [fried] pork for dinner) went
out and fired our guns of [off] at a target went
out on dress-perade [parade] fritters molasses & coffee (for supper)

Saturday, February 15, 1862

A little cloudy & sprinkle a little
pilot bread & beef & coffee went out
with napsacks [knapsacks] on battalion drill
Gen Williams commander
practice in shooting dinner fritters &
beef no drill this afternoon onley [only] dress-
perade [parade] some of the companyes [companies] came off
double quick & brock [broke] up it rained
fritters & godd [good] molasses for supper

Sunday, February 16, 1862

Helena Ames & rainey [rainy] this morning
we had pilot bread & pork and
coffee no dress perade [parade] or no
Inspection this fournoon [forenoon] pilot
bread and beens [beans] for dinner
rainey [rainy] no dress perade [parade] stayed
in tent all day fritters & coffee (for supper)

Monday, February 17, 1862

Battle on the Potomack [Potomac]
Cloudy & rainy a little foggy we had
pilot bread coffee & boil pork for breckfast [breakfast]
we went out & had a little drill
dinner hard tack & frid [fried] pork I wrote
sent a letter to Aunt Gould went out on
dress perade [parade] flapjacks & sugger [sugar] & coffee (for supper)
Ben & I took a walk a bottle of ink 5 cts [cents]

Tuesday, February 18, 1862

Cloudy fair & rainy pilot bread
pork & coffee went out with napsacks [knapsacks]
on Battalion drill practice in chargeing [charging]
berinets [bayonets] had free soup hard tack
for dinner went to drill role call
at dress perade [parade] half past four orders to deliver
up pistols & dress perade [parade] at five oclock [o'clock] a turkey buzard [buzzard] had
doe [dough] nuts for supper

Wednesday, February 19, 1862

Cloudy & fair breckfast [breakfast] pork & coffee hard
bread battalion drill practice
in chargeing [charging] berinets [bayonets] fritters & pork
one clock [o'clock] out to drill in divisions
& company ours is the 6th Co dress-perade [parade] at
five oclock [o'clock] supper fritters & coffee went
furnel [funeral] two of company I fight in (k y 15,000 prisoners

Thursday, February 20, 1862

pilot bread pork & coffee ______ (Spead?) died
between two or three oclock [o'clock] went out with
napsacks [knapsacks] on battalion drill had my
hare [hair] cut dinner vegetable stew
hard tack went out on drill role call
division drill supper fritters & sugger [sugar]
furnel [funeral] Capalain [Chaplain] made a prayer letter from lizzie [Lizzie]

Friday, February 21, 1862

fair & cold & windy had breckfast [breakfast]
pilot bread pork & coffee went out
on battalion drill order of combat
marched in divisions formed a halow [hollow] square
Col said had taken savannah [Savannah] dinner hard
tack boil pork out on dress-
perade [parade] supper fritters & coffee orders
four days rations to be cooked up

Saturday, February 22, 1862

Cloud(y) & a little rainey [rainy] had bread
pork & coffee no drill to day I
waid [weighed] a 166 lbs. went & helped fence
the grave yard rice & molasses for
dinner no dress-perade [parade] pack up
some shells to send home orders to get
ready to move to morrow fritters & molasses coffee

Sunday, February 23, 1862

no dress-perade [parade]
fair & pleasant pilot bread pork
& coffee sent a letter to lizzie [Lizzie] with
a gold dollar in it inspection of
arms they were moveing [moving] baggae [baggage]
dinner hard tack & pork took walk out
to a house & on the beach found eye stones pilot bread
qt. mol. [molasses] 12 cts [cents]

Monday, February 24, 1862

this morn cloudy & foggey [foggy] strike tents
and went to fort hatteras [Hatteras] & on boat & of [off] boat
came of [off] the chancellor [Chancellor] livinstone [Livingston] and
went back to foart [fort] Clark put up a tent
lent H.B. haynes [Haynes] .50 cts [cents]
(breckfast, [breakfast] dinner supper pilot bread
& beef & c [coffee]) & went on to the boat (Chancellor
livinstoni [Livingston] (its name) at 2 oclock [o'clock] P.M.
the tide was high & it was windy so that
we didn't go on to the northerner [Northerner] stayed at ft [Fort]
Clark all night two apples 10 cts [cents]

Tuesday, February 25, 1862

Aunt got my letter
canon at hatteras [Hatteras] that waid [weighed] 15,998 lbs.
this morning it was windy along towards
noon the wind luled [lulled] tide went down
at about one we had orders to fall in
in five minutes we on to the steam boat
Northerner & went two miles and shifted on to the steam
boat Northerner where the bagge [baggage] was we road [rode]
three four miles & anchored for the night had
pint of coffee 5 cts [cents] stayed on deck untill [until] sundown

Wednesday, February 26, 1862

this morning fair & pleasant we went on
our way on the Palmico [Pamlico] sound about
we shifted from the schooner on the Alace [Alice] Bride (?)
north main land on our left then went
along well untill [until] she went a ground she
had thirty tunes [tons] on board & 8 schooners & a ship attached to
her we got off on to the schooners
an(d) _______ (caseing?) went on to the northerner [Northerner] nere [near] roanoak [Roanoke]
& they took ours to roanoak [Roanoke]
pint of coffee 5 c ts [cents] cheese 7 cts [cents]
rainey [rainy] this eve & fogey [foggy]

Thursday, February 27, 1862

fair & windy we lay at anchor all day
on the steam boat northerner [Northerner] in a
strait between the main land on the
west side of the boat & roanoak [Roanoke] Is [Island]
on the east side there is a number
of gun boats schooners ships & tug boats
&c laying near roanoak [Roanoke] Is [Island] (burnside

Friday, February 28, 1862

pay role made out
fair and windy nothing very interesting
two lot off camp new suterfer [sutler] Appels [apples]
ginger cakes oringes [oranges] & cts [cents] sells apples 5 cts [cents]
a piece (cakes 1 ct [cent] a piece) (oringes [oranges] 5 cts [cents] a piece)
hard tack and sugger [sugar] to day this boat
the northerner [Northerner} is 967 feet long 40 feet deep
it is 14 years old (nigger [negro] fight I went on guard
at nine this eave [evening] on deck guard two niggroes [negroes])
very windy

Saturday, March 1, 1862

fair and very windy this morning &
cold - on guard will we remain on
the northerner [Northerner] a lot playing cards
some reading testament pilot bread & coffee
they began to unload the baggage & move
it to shore I was sick at stumak [stomach]

Sunday, March 2, 1862

this morning rainy we had orders
to move we moved on to the steam
boat Phenix [Phoenix] & went nere [near] shore &
took boat & landed on Roanoak [Roanoke]
Isl [Island] we marched 2 miles & put our
tents up I had the diarrohe [diarrhea]
slepted [slept] on roanoak [Roanoke] rainy a little
aunt wrote me a letter I got the 14th

Monday, March 3, 1862

to day cloudy rainy & fair I was up &
down most of the last night I didn't go out
on dress-perade [parade] tea & coffee pork hard
tack to day helped build a log
cook house I was unwell a little
I bought a paper new [New] york [York] daley [Daily] tribune [Tribune]
for ten cents two papers from home

Tuesday, March 4, 1862

fair & pleasant to day [today] dress perade [parade]
orders to use this day as a washing day
I work to day [today] mending Clothes draws (drawers?) mittings (mittens?)
&e wash a caple [couple] of hankerchiefs [handkerchiefs] got some
wood for tent dress perade [parade] orders switched to drill
dress perade [parade] &e pilot bread pork rice fritters mol [molasses]
& coffee for dinner & supper

Wednesday, March 5, 1862

to day fair & pleasant breackfast [breakfast] hard
tack beef coffee went out on dress perade [parade]
a little drill washing clothes dinner pilot
bread beef went out on battalion drill
dress-perade [parade] at five oclock [o'clock] supper hard
tack & tea coffee a shower of rain the boys
fididling [fiddling] singing &e

Thursday, March 6, 1862

fair & pleasant (breckfast [breakfast] pilot bread
frid [fried] pork coffee cheese) 10 cents went out on
dress-perade [parade] target shooting dinner at
12 oclock [o'clock] didn't go out to drill - 2 o'clock
no dress-perade [parade] our company dawed [drew]
caple [couple] bls [lbs.] flower [flour] (something different to
eat now)

Friday, March 7, 1862

snowey [snowy] & rainey [rainy] snow melted as fast
as it came (dudley [Dudley] has got his furlow [furlough]
for 60 days) six companeys [companies] had orders
to go on the expedition with three days [days']
rations didn't go came back & stoped [stopped] all
night we went target shooting
hundred yards off

Saturday, March 8, 1862

fair & pleasant all day the six
companys [companies] started & they & the gun
boats went up the croaten [Croatian] sound
this morning went out on dress
perade [parade] had music to march in by
around in tent & on shore all day
dress-perade [parade] with music coffee fritters beef
mustard &e

Sunday, March 9, 1862

pilot bread frid [fried] pork coffee
pleasant & fair it was still on the sound
reading went on guard mount at eleven o'clock
fritters & boil pork for dinner went on
guard at three o'clock third relief
the chaplain [Chaplain] had a meeting at three o'clock
surmman [sermon] & prayer with singing tex [text] genises [Genesis]
8 Ch [chapter] 9 verse the boys got home from Columbia

Monday, March 10, 1862

pilot bread f [fried] pork
fair & cloudy I wes [was] on guard untill [until]
11 o'clock companyes [companies] was [were] out target
shooting dinner fritters sugger [sugar]
& beef drill 2 o'clock dress-perade [parade]
1/4 past four the Col Converse has
resigned pilot bread & coffee
I was vaxenated [vaccinated]

Tuesday, March 11, 1862

Cloudy & fair to day went out to
drill under the Lieut Col Griffin
the old company practice __ (some?) target
shooting breckfast [breakfast] pilot bread & pork dinner
fritters & sugger [sugar] melted surrup-like [syrup-like] boil beef two
o'clock went out on battalion drill
dress-perade [parade] supper hard tack & coffee
a piece of cheese .07 cts [cents] Burnside fleet went out

Wednesday, March 12, 1862

fair & pleasant hard tack & pork &
coffee for brecfast [breakfast] went out & formed a
line eaven [even] companyes [companies] practise [practice] target
shooting three times each a peace [piece] dinner beens [beans]
hard bread 2 o'clock clearing up quarters
no drill dress-perade [parade] at five supper
fritters syrup & coffee (headake) [headache]
Tracy our head doctor got a furlow [furlough] for 60 day(s)

Thursday, March 13, 1862

fair & warm hard tack frid [fried] pork & coffee
went out on Co drill untill [until] 10 30 past
went up to furrall [funeral] Chaplain
made a prayer dinner pickels [pickles] potatoes
boil beef Lient Dudley Converse Tracy
started home on furlow [furlough] sent a letter to lewis [Lewis]

Friday, March 14, 1862

Cloudy & rainy hard tack & frid [fried] pork
& coffee went out on battalion drill double
quick dinner one friter [fritter] pilot bread &
I bought 3 hens eggs .05 dress perade [parade] orders
Co H furnishes the guard to morrow I received a letter from Aunt
LeCinda [Lucinda] and one from home Lizzie & four papers

Saturday, March 15, 1862

orders for every one to wash up
cloudy & misty breckfast [breakfast] one fritter hard
tack & poor coffee no drill to day
I washed myself & clothes & clothes for
Prvt [Private] Hall dinner soop [soup] & hard tack
Capt [Captain] Curtis came from hatteras [Hatteras] to camp
to see the Epsom boys same as usual no
dress-perade [parade] supper do nuts [doughnuts] & hard tack & coffee
thunder shower rain pretty hard

Sunday, March 16, 1862

fair & pleasant pilot bread frid [fried] pork & coffee
went out on Ispection [Inspection] of arms napsacks [knapsacks]
on Ispected [Inspected] by Col Hawkins Commander
of the post dinner potatoes frid [fried] pork
hard tack two o'clock went to meeting
one hour tex [text] 2nd Cor [Corinthians] 1th [st] Ch [Chapter] 24 verse dress perade [parade]
doe nuts [doughnuts] 6 a piece coffee 1/2 pint

Monday, March 17, 1862

fair & pleasant hard tack f [fried?] pork &
coffee Co dill [drill] dinner rice & melted sugger [sugar]
one oclock [o'clock] battalion drill News came
that Burnside expidition [expedition] had taken
Newburn [ ? ] 15th & 16 of March we gave
the rigt [regiment] three chears [cheers] for Burnside 60 pieces of
artillery &e doe nuts [doughnuts] &

Tuesday, March 18, 1862

fair & pleasant pilot bread frid [fried] pork & coffee
went out for Co drill untill [until] 1/2 past 11 dinner
at 12 hard tack & beens [beans] porage [porridge] one o'clock
went to drill battalion drill came in at
three dress-perade [parade] at five inspection
immediately after supper at six two fritters
pilot b. [bread] & coffee

Wednesday, March 19, 1862

fair & pleasant dropted [dropped] buiscuit [biscuit] baked
went out for company drill the Col drill ___ (us?)
dinner boil beef sweet potatoes beens [beans] &e The
rigt [regiment] was paid off in gold & note money
I received $26.00 & the mail came in
I got six papers & one letter from lewis [Lewis]

Thursday, March 20, 1862

pilot bread frid [fried] pork & coffee
Cloudy and rainy to night
Co drill dinner soop [soup] battalion
drill this afternoon on dress-
perade [parade] supper fritters sugger [sugar]
syrup & coffee planting corn
& sowing wheet [wheat]

Friday, March 21, 1862

fair & pretty hot towards noon breck [break]
hard tack & frid [fried] pork mine I had cold
fritters & sugger [sugar] syrup Col drill got a
grap vine [grapevine] sprout going to put one in Aunts [Aunt's] letter
(battalion drill) dinner sweet potatoes
boil beef & pilot bread dress-perade [parade] at five
one case of small pox in rigt [regiment]

Saturday, March 22, 1862

Cloudy & coolish [chilly] pilot bread & frid [fried] pork & coffee
our Co & I furnished the guard I went
on first relief nine o'clock dinner sweet
potatoes or white potatoes f [fried] pork & hard tack
7 sheets of Letter paper 17 cts [cents] 12 invelops [envelopes]
12 cts [cents] scent [sent] a letter to Aunt Leucinda [Lucinda] with
grape vine sprouts fritters & syrup

Sunday, March 23, 1862

fair & pleasant hard tack frid [fried]
pork & coffee through with the guard
went out shot off our guns at nine
pilot bread sweet or Irish potatoes
boil bacon the rigt [regiment] & I went to meeting
on Roanoke Mr [Mr.] Stinstons tex [text] Math [Mathew] 6th Ch [Chapter]
19th 20th 21th [21st] verses fritters I see a Roebbel [Rebel]
flag victory or death

Monday, March 24, 1862

fair & dustey [dusty] pilot bread boil bacon or beef
went out on company drill one
case of small pox at hospital peach
trees in blossom wild Cherry trees in
blossome [blossom] b [boil] beef or ham hard tack vinegar
battalion drill came in pretty dusty
dress-perade [parade] at five doe nuts [doughnuts] & coffee
Hastings went to Brgade [Brigade] hospital

Tuesday, March 25, 1862

dry & fair weather hard tack & frid [fried] pork & coffee
went out on Co drill manuel [manual] of arms & marching
1/2 past 11 came in from drill dinner sweet or Irish
potatoes enough pilot bread one oclock [o'clock] Battalion
drill untill [until] three o'clock dress-
perade [parade] at five oclock [o'clock] fritters one a peace [piece] & tea
& hard bread enough

Wednesday, March 26, 1862

Cloudy & rainy snowy breckfast [breakfast] pilot (bread) & frid [fried] pork & coffee
went out on company drill 1/2 past
eight untill [until] half past 11 oclock [o'clock] dinner
Soop [Soup] & hard tack enough no
Battalion or dress perade [parade] rainy & snowy
or hailey [hailing] supper at five hard bread & water
W. B. Perkins went to the hospital this

Thursday, March 27, 1862

fair & pleasant we had breckfast [breakfast] call at 7
o'clock pilot bread & Soop [Soup] & coffee
went out on Co drill dinner at 12
oclock [o'clock] had sweet & Irish potatoes
bacon good dinner at one went out on
battalion drill came in at three
dress perade [parade] at five sweet doe nuts [doughnuts] & coffee
at 1/2 past ten the mail came in 2 papers & one letter
from Lizzie home one letter from Lewis at Pitts [Pittsfield]

Friday, March 28, 1862

fair & pleasant pilot bread f [fried] pork & coffee B.S.
Robinson & I took a walk down to landing at
fort [Fort] Foster 9 cannons waid [weighed] 171 lbs.
up to some houses sweet bread pudding 12 cts [cents] up to
New york [York] 9th over to Fort Reno 12 canons
dress perade [parade] pea soop [soup] for dinner supper doe nuts [doughnuts] coffee
the officrs [officers] playing ball

Saturday, March 29, 1862

fair & pleasant hard bread & cold pea soop [soup]
& coffee took a walk over to Isl [Island]
with a lot of other boys niggroe [negro]
women & white one planting corn
or potatoes dinner beens [beans] no drill
or dress perade [parade] it is rainy supper
hard tack & tea one sweet potatoes
pie 15 cts [cents] letter paper 8 sheets & invelops [envelopes]
10 cts [cents] grape wine 12 cts [cents]

Sunday, March 30, 1862

beens [beans] & coffee & pilot bread
Cloudy & rainy & thunder
& lightening no Inspection dinner
boil beef & sweet potatoes writeing [writing] & reading
no meeting or dress perade [parade]

Monday, March 31, 1862

Cloud(y) & fair hard tack & coffee I sent
a letter to Lizzie with $5.00 in it
one to Lewis " " " " at Pitts [Pittsfield]
one letter to Lavina at Pittsfield
three rigt [regiment] Inspe [Inspection] marched 2 miles to Inspec [Inspection]
went on guard at 3 o'clock dinner beens [beans] doe nuts [doughnuts] &

Tuesday, April 1, 1862

fair & pleasant pilot bread f [fried] pork &
coffee on gard [guard] untill [until] five oclock [o'clock]
dinner rice & reduest [reduced] sugger [sugar] went out
on battalion drill ntill [until] three oclock [o'clock]
dressperad [dress parade] at five the steam boat Phanix [Phoenix]
left at 12 PM a lot playing ball fritters & molla [molasses]
& coffee

Wednesday, April 2, 1862

fair & pleasant hard bread & coffee
went out on company drill run till
1/2 past 11 oclock [o'clock] dinner at 12 boil beef hard
tack at one went out on battalion
drill dress perade [parade] at five supper
doenuts [doughnuts] & tea playing ball

Thursday, April 3, 1862

thunder shower little rain
foggy in morn warm & pleasant coolish [chilly]
hard B [bread] pork or beef Capt [Captain] Ela from hatteras [Hatteras]
Company drill dinner boil homanany [hominy]
& sugger [sugar] Battalion drill scott [Scott] commanded
dress perade [parade] at five supper white bread & coffee
they playing ball mail came in money on hand

Friday, April 4, 1862

fair & pleasant white bread frid [fried] pork
& coffee Co drill one case of small
Pox 4 died of the rigt [regiment] within 24 hours
Tucker died was one out (of) Co I dinner
beens [beans] & h t [hard tack] battalion drill dress
perade [parade] supper hard tack & pork coffee
bought 5 apples 10 cts [cents]

Saturday, April 5, 1862

pilot bread & cold frid [fried] pork
thunder shower with Leightening [lightening]
washing day Chas. E Tucker
funeral at two o'clock a prayer
dinner sweet potatoes & boil beef
I went into the sound to wash dress
perade [parade] supper two doenuts [doughnuts] & white bread
six pens .05 cts [cents]

Sunday, April 6, 1862

fair & pleasant breckfast [breakfast] white
bread doenuts [doughnuts] coffee Gen Inspection of arms
at ten oclock [o'clock] by Col Reush C.
Hawkins of NY 9th dinner boil
beef & pilot bread meeting at two tex [text] Math [Mathew]
6th Ch [Chapter] 34 verse supper 9 doenuts [doughnuts] white b [bread]

Monday, April 7, 1862

mail came in no letters
Cloudy & rainy had orders for
four Co's [companies] of four hundred in number
to go to Elizabeth City two Co's [companies] of the
NY 9th & gun boats went 7 in number
two days raitions [rations] left at one oclock [o'clock] went on
to the (steam boat) Eagle went up the Albermarl [Albemarle] sound
Anchored nere [near] the city in the P [Potomac] River mile or over

Tuesday, April 8, 1862

I on guard rainy part of time at four o'clock
they took up anchor & started the rebel pickets
fired 24 rebel pickets in city went up to brick house
landeing [landing] went ashore Peach trees in blossom
marched two miles or so took prisoners back
to where we landed marched three miles or more to
the city mudy [muddy] took a rebel officer not but
few guns fired went on the boat anchored in
Albermarl [Albemarle] sound

Wednesday, April 9, 1862

rainy part of time we started for Roanoke
with 41 prisoners including one officer, four horses & a lot
of boards, gunes [guns] Poultry beef &e three papers
two from home

Thursday, April 10, 1862

Cloudy rainy pilot bread &
coffee no drill to day
dinner we had sweet & Irish
Potatoes & fresh beef we went
to work & built a bunk to
lay on dress perade [parade] at five supper
doe nuts [doughnuts] & coffee a peace [piece] of turkey

Friday, April 11, 1862

fair & cold pilot bread & coffee pork
Co drill dinner sweet potatoes & Irish
potatoes Battalion drill in a
Hawlow [Hollow] Square 1th [1st] 2nd 3rd 4th front
line of Battle &e dress perade [parade] at
five supper three doe-nuts [doughnuts] & coffee
& hard tack

Saturday, April 12, 1862

fair & cold sent a letter ($5.00 in it) to Father
three papers to the girls mail went
out Co [Company] (&) I furnished the Guard
dinner (beens [beans] we had) they had
dressperade [dress parade] supper four doe nuts [doughnuts] &
coffee bought cheese (crossed out) Butter .20 pint (of) mol [molasses] .10
haversack wash .05 cts [cents]

Sunday, April 13, 1862

cold & fair breckfast [breakfast] fresh beef
Irish potatoes & coffee meeting at half
past ten
dinner pilot bread ___ (?) salt beef
the mail came in one letter from
lizzie [Lizzie] no 5 [No. 5] good news & ten Postage stamps
with it I saw Gen Ambros [Ambrose] Burnside
he came in to camp Stanton boys cheared [cheered] him

Monday, April 14, 1862

fair & warm pilot bread frid [fried] pork coffee
Co [company] drill washed by clothes & Ben
dinner fresh beef soop [soup] drilled the same as
Friday orders from Head Quarters
orders for three days raitions [rations] to be cooked
rice for supper tea mol [molasses] good time this
eave [evening] orders for three (crossed out)

Tuesday, April 15, 1862

fair & hot doe nuts [doughnuts] frid [fried] pork & coffee
orders for all to go that can Co [company] drill
potatoes & boil pork battalion movements
practice in charging birinets [bayonets] dress
perade [parade] at four fild [field] afer [after] haverhacks [haversacks] & canteen
with three days raitions [rations]

Wednesday, April 16, 1862

fair & hot ben [Ben] & I frid [fried] some
potatoes for our breckfast [breakfast] Co [Company]
drill dinner pea soop [soup] I dident [didn't]
eat any Battalion drill dress
perade [parade] supper fritters & mol [molasses]

Thursday, April 17, 1862

fair & pleasant the mail came in one
Letter no 5 [No. 5] from Lewis at Pitts [Pittsfield]
The Commissioner was here to
see about recieveing [receiving] the Soldiers
pay in NH he was from NH
no drill to day dress perade [parade]

Friday, April 18, 1862

fair & continued to be hot I
wrote a letter (number one) to Lizzie J Sherburn [Sherburne]
with five dollars to Father
we had orders to get ready to go (on) Expedition
we embarcked [embarked] on steam boat Pilot Boy went
up into Pasquatuck [Pasquotank] river (landed at two am) started next morn
on march at four am

Saturday, April 19, 1862

Cloudy we was [were] on a march at four we landed
below Elizabeth City some two miles we marched
from four in the morn [morning] untill [until] two oclock [o'clock] the
battle comenced [commenced] on our waggons [wagons] the fireing [firing] some
an hour before our rigt [regiment] got there the 89th got there first
we marched from 20 to 30 miles we formed
in a line of battle fired one voley [volley] C. Glanders of ____ of ____
was wounded started back about ten oclock [o'clock]

Sunday, April 20, 1862

rainy/on our way back to where we landed
mudy [muddy] & very tiresoming [tiresome] walking there was five
rigts [regiments] & four pieces of cannon with ours the 9th
& 89th NY 21st Mass & 57th Penn with
six NH was in the battle we got back
between 7 & 8 oclock [o'clock] to (where we) landed

Monday, April 21, 1862

to day rainy & fair cleaning my gun
& Revolve [Revolver] dress perade [parade] I received two
Trebunes [Tribunes]

Tuesday, April 22, 1862

Cold & a little rainy pilot bread &
frid [fried] pork & coffee no drill to day
they have gone to that battle ground
with a flag of truce to get the wounded
& missing boil beef & pilot bread supper
doe nuts [doughnuts] & coffee twelve sheets of paper
ten cets [cents]

Wednesday, April 23, 1862

fair & hot I [Irish] potatoes frid [fried] pork &
coffee Co [Company] drill a little dinner
beens [beans] & pilot bread wash my
clothes I sent a letter to
Lewis at Pitts [Pittsfield] this morning,
drill and dress perade [parade] supper
doe nuts [doughnuts] & coffee

Thursday, April 24, 1862

cold this morning frid [fried] pork & coffee
Co [Company] drill dinner Irish potatoes
& boil pork battalion drill
dress perade [parade] supper doe nuts [doughnuts]
the boys playing ball

Friday, April 25, 1862

fair & warm to day our
Co [Company] furnishes the guard (&) guard
mount & at half past eight dinner
beens [beans] supper nut cakes & coffee

Saturday, April 26, 1862

a little rainy came of [off] from
guard Irish potatoes & frid [fried]
pork & coffee for breckfast [breakfast]
boil po (crossed out) rainy pilot bread
and coffee for supper

Sunday, April 27, 1862

cloudy & cold pilot bread &
beef & coffee the rigt [regiment] is slet [let]
to libity [liberty] untill [until] four o'clock
to go over the _____ (?) fresh beef Soop [soup]
& pilot bread

Monday, April 28, 1862

pilot bread frid [fried] pork &
coffee Co [Company] drill for dinner
Pea porage [porridge] or soop [soup] with a
little pork in it battalion
drill tea & hard tack I
bought a pint of mol [molasses] 10 cts [cents]
fair & pleasant

Tuesday, April 29, 1862

fair & warm hard bread & boil beef
& coffee no drill to day onley [only]
dress perade [parade] (write a
letter to Mother and one to
Chichester Le, E, & Blake) cleaning guns
had my hair cut 10 cts [cents] beens [beans] for dinner
pilot bread boil beef & coffee

Wednesday, April 30, 1862

no drill to day Muster roll
called Gen [General] Inspection of arms &
napsacks [knapsacks] by Lieut [Lieutenant] Griffin mended my
bloucea [blouse] (pilot bread boil beef & coffee breck [break])
(hard tack & coffee for dinner) tea & hard bread for
supper I played ball

Thursday, May 1, 1862

no drill
cloudy with a thunder shower at
night breckfast [breakfast] pilot bread & frid [fried]
pork & coffee dinner pea soop [coup] &
hard tack supper hard bread & smoked
ham or fresh fish & coffee mail came
in a letter from lizzie [Lizzie] & Loretta together that they had
five dollars in one ___ (In?) paper one letter from
Almon F Cate battalion drill afternoon

Friday, May 2, 1862

Cloudy Sent a letter to Lewis (number 2)
at Pittsfield pilot breed frid [fried] pork
& coffee dinner rice & mol [molasses] Co [Company] drill in
fornoon [forenoon] battalion drill dress perade [parade]
supper frid [fried] hard tack & frid [fried] pork & tea
I waid [weighed] 161 lbs [lbs.] on quarter master's scales

Saturday, May 3, 1862

fair & cold p [pilot] bread f [fried] pork & coffee
the Co [Company] went in swiming [swimming] the Co [Company] had a
pass to go anawhere [anywhere] I went down to Sunding
bought apple pie 28 cts [cents] the mail
came in a string of fish .05 cts [cents]
boil pork p [pilot] bread supper mol [molasses] p [pilot] b [bread] coffee hard b [bread] I
had fish I waid [weighed] with more on 168 pounds

Sunday, May 4, 1862

fair & pleasant pilot bread frid [fried]
pork & coffee Crummit & Hildrith
went home on sixty days
Furlow [Furlough] the Mail went out
Inspection by Griffin our Co [Company] went
on guard the Cahaplain [Chaplain] maid [made]
a prayer in dress perade [parade]

Monday, May 5, 1862

rainy came off from
guard third relief showery &
thunder & lighting [lightning] very hot breck [breakfast]
pilot bread f [fried] pork & coffee f [fried] pork bread
& coffee Battalion drill news that the
city of N Os [New Orleans] is taken and with $5,000,000
worth of cotton taken tea bread pork

Tuesday, May 6, 1862

fair & pleasant washed my clothes
Co [Company] drill breckfast [breakfast] f [fried] pork coffee &
______ (puffee?) bread dinner pea soop [soup]
battalion drill I drawed [drew] a
pair of pants

Wednesday, May 7, 1862

fair & warm pilot bread frid [fried]
pork & coffee Co [Company] drill dinner
boil pork two doe nuts [doughnuts] & bread pilot
battalion drill dress perade [parade]
at six supper at sundown two
doe nuts [doughnuts] pilot bread & coffee

Thursday, May 8, 1862

fair and warm pilot bread & f [fried] pork
& coffee Co [Company] drill dinner pea soop [soup] &
hard tack I got some honey a pint
they sell it 25 cts [cents] a pint battalion practice
in fireing [firing] supper four doenuts [doughnuts] & coffee
news came from the Col [Colonel] that reliable
information taken Norfolk and Sank the
Merimac [Merrimack] I sent a letter number
four to Lizzie

Friday, May 9, 1862

fair & warm pilot bread for dinner & breckfast [breakfast]
& coffee frid [fried] pork Co [Company] drill practice in
fireing [firing] mail came in one
Letter from Lewis number six he got five dollars lewis [Lewis]
sweet bread 10 cts [cents] 8 three cent stamps 6 cent stamp

Saturday, May 10, 1862

fair & pleasant bread f [fried] pork & coffee
in camp all day pretty hot boil
pork p [pilot] bread no drill to day dress
perade [parade] at six supper four nut cakes
I bought a bottle of ink 10 cts cents]

Sunday, May 11, 1862

fair & coolish [chilly] pilot (bread) frid [fried] pork & prepared
coffee Inspection of arms by Col [Colonel]
Griffin & Scott beens [beans] for dinner fininshed
reading testament &
Psalms through [though] no meeting dress
perade [parade] Burnside & aides came into
camp sent a letter to lewis [Lewis] no [number] 3

Monday, May 12, 1862

fair & pleasant pilot bread f [fried] pork &
prepared coffee went on Guard thrrid [third]
relief dinner fresh beef soop [soup] supper
doenuts [doughnuts] & coffee

Tuesday, May 13, 1862

fair & hot in middle of day Dudley
Tracy & Bixby returned to the rigt [regiment]
P Goil & laperry [Laperry] came Capt [Captain] Clark of
Co A started home for good down to
the landing they fired 36 guns of
I eat one doe nut [doughnut] & drinked [drank] a cup of tea

Wednesday, May 14, 1862

fair & dusty & hot I eat two
nut cakes & drinked [drank] a cup of tea I went
to hospital at Surgeon Call
got excused all but light duty
no appetite for eny [any] dinner I eat
1 1/2 doenuts [doughnuts] & drink a cup of tea

Thursday, May 15, 1862

Cloudy & rainy Ben made me
some gruel I eat 1/2 a dipper full
all I wanted eat nothing for dinner
they drilled a little 1/2 pilot bread
& tea all I eat for supper

Friday, May 16, 1862

Cloudy went up to the
hospital at Surgeon Call he
give me some quinine pills
take them once in two hours
I have eat a little gruel & some
Figs to day the mail came in
a letter from Father they
received 10 of the 15 dollars

Saturday, May 17, 1862

Cloudy & rainy most
of the day I eat a little
gruel & tea a piece of
pilot bread bought some 10
Invelopes [envelopes] 10 cents a cup of tea 5 cents
I went up to hospital got some

Sunday, May 18, 1862

Cloudy rainy & fair I had
a dipper full of gruel no
meeting to day I am around
in tent to day

Monday, May 19, 1862

fair & warm hot middle
of the day I went up to hospital
got _____ (caped?) at noon nothing
but hard tack got two
shirts a pair of draws [drawers] & two pair of
stockings washed five cts [cents] a pair
a thunder shower a smart rain

Tuesday, May 20, 1862

fair & hot & warm went up
to hospital got _____ (caped) to day
the boys shot ___ (fay) as eny [any] day in N.YC. [New York City]
they had frid [fried] fresh beef &
sweet potatoes not much appetite
prepared coffee for supper I
saw them in dress perade [parade] the
officers had a time

Wednesday, May 21, 1862

fair & pleasant hot through
the day poached eggs three for
breckfast [breakfast] went up to hospital
dinner fresh beef boiled & potatoes
three poached eggs

Thursday, May 22, 1862

fair & warm coffee I had
three poached eggs dinner pea soop ]soup]
supper four doe nuts [doughnuts] & tea
that I made took a walk
Maill [Mail] a letter from Lizzie
one from Leucinda [Lucinda] a tribune too [to]
pay master came

Friday, May 23, 1862

fair & hot we was [were] paid off
in US money (paid up to the
first of May) I received $26.00
dollars J. Farr was [were] around
to get money to carry north

Saturday, May 24, 1862

Showery to day nothing but pilot
bread pork coffee & pickels [pickles]
I bought 1 doz [dozen] cakes 10 cts [cents] 10 sheets of paper
10 cts [cents] 13 Invelopes [envelopes] 13 cts [cents] (in all 33 cts [cents])
I sent a letter to Father No [number] 5
on to Lizzie in same (envelope)

Sunday, May 25, 1862

Cloudy & rainy no meeting
to day pilot bread frid [fried]
pork breckfast [breakfast] dinner boil pork
& p [pilot] bread - doe nuts [doughnuts] for supper
sent a book to Adell [Adele] I
got some strawberies [strawberries] 6 or 8
mail going to morrow at six

Monday, May 26, 1862

Cloudy & rainy all day I went to
landing give J. Farr the adams [Adams]
express Ag & $26.00 for it to go to
Pittsfield to James H. Sherburne with
a letter to same No [number] 4
went to docters [doctors] got some bitters in morn(ing)
pilot bread pea soop [soup] coffee stuff & prepared coffee
to day very rainy

Tuesday, May 27, 1862

Cloudy & misty no drill in
fournoon [forenoon] I eat pork water &
hard tack prepared coffee tea &
pilot bread to day the(y) had battalion
drill I made out to go on dress perade [parade]

Wednesday, May 28, 1862

fair & hot weather pilot
bread frid [fried] pork & potatoes for
breckfast [breakfast] & dinner bread & tea
for supper I didn't due [do] eny [any]
duty or drilling to day a thunder
shower mail came in a letter from Lewis
No. [number] 7 with 33 cent(s) I ____ (bought?) one ct [cent] stamps

Thursday, May 29, 1862

fair & a not very hot tea frid [fried]
pork & pilot bread - dinner potatoes
and frid [fried] bacon - tea & pilot bread
for supper Co [company] & battalion
drill to day dress perade [parade] at six
I sent a letter to father in Benjimen [Benjamin's] letter

Friday, May 30, 1862

Fair & hot pilot bread frid [fried] pork &
coffee I sent a letter to Aunt Gould
Co [Company] drill in skirmishers dinner pea
soop [soup] practice street fireing [firing] this afternoon
under the Col [Colonel] supper tea pilot bread
thunder shower hevy [heavy] rainy through the
night washed my clothes

Saturday, May 31, 1862

Cloudy & rainy & fair tea frid [fried] pork
Pilot bread cleaning my gun had
my first army pants washed 10 cts [cents]
sold a tea kettle for 25 cts [cents]
supper tea pilot bread dress
perade [parade] at six

Sunday, June 1, 1862

fair & hot tea pilot bread fird [fried] p [pork]
Monthly Inspection by field
officers at 1/2 past someting [something at 10 1/2
by the 89th N.Y. Chaplain tex [text]
Deut. 32 Ch [Chapter] 47th verse our Chaplain
maid [made] a prayer the rigt [regiment] had a chance
to go where they wanted to _______ (Cohog?) soop [soup]
coffee bread dress perade [parade]

Monday, June 2, 1862

fair & hot coffee & potatoes frid [fried] pork
mail came in a letter from lewis [Lewis] No [number] 8
with one from Lizzie (No. 8) & Adell [Adele] in it
one from Louisa Blake said
that cousin Leyman Brickett was
killed at Pittsburg landing how sad

Tuesday, June 3, 1862

fair & hot with wind breckfast [breakfast]
coffee pilot b [bread] frid [fried] pork squad drill
dinner Irish potatoes boil beef & tack
a 3 1/2 o'clock practice in fireing [firing] dress
perade [parade] at six four doenuts [doughnuts] tea & cheese
enough wash my clothes two shirts
pair of draws [drawers] stockings

Wednesday, June 4, 1862

Cloudy & rainy pilot bread frid [fried] pork
& coffee I went on guard at the
Quartermasters the diferent [different] Cos [Companies]
furnished the guard Capt [Captain] Ela officer of
the day Leuit [lieutenant] Adams officer of the guard
I was on six hours dinner boild [boiled] beef potatoes
supper pilot bread & rice & coffee windy

Thursday, June 5, 1862

Cloudy & rainy a storm boil beef pilot
bread & coffee came of [off] from duty
at eight cleaning my gun dinner beens [beans] &
pilot bread very rainy

Friday, June 6, 1862

Cloudy & rainy most of the day pilot b [bread]
frid [fried] pork & coffee - potatoes & bacon
for dinner I bought a ticket for ten cts [cents]
to go into zuave or quave dramatic & misistriee [mystery]
Club at N.Y. 9th (nigger performance)
four beef creatchers [creatures] killed for this rigt [regiment]
doe nuts [doughnuts] & coffee lent 10 cents to Me

Saturday, June 7, 1862

Cloudy & fair breck [breakfast] pilot Bread
f [fried] pork & coffee sent a letter two [to] lewis [Lewis]
cleaning my gun boil beef & bread (dinner) supper
fresh beef soop [soup] & coffee the Mail
came in I got two papers the
Independent & Tribune

Sunday, June 8, 1862

fair & coolish [cool] pilot bread f [fried] pork
& coffee Inspection by Leiut [Lieutenant] Scott
dinner fresh boil beef & pilot b [bread]
received some braks [breaks] dress perade [parade]
supper nut cakes & tea

Monday, June 9, 1862

Cloudy & cold & windy pilot b [bread] frid [fried]
pork & coffee Squad drill dinner
beens [beans] & p [pilot] bread Co. drill without
arms dress perade [parade] supper p [pilot] bread
sugger [sugar] & tea I had some green apple
sauce too Jeff Brown is sick

Tuesday, June 10, 1862

rainy cloudy & fair coffee bread f [fried]
pork no drill dinner boil pork
pilot bread Battalion drill
bought 18 doz [dozen] of eggs at $21.50
some of a part our Co [company] taken up for steeling [stealing]
dress perade [parade] supper doe nuts [doughnuts] & prepared
coffee bought 18 doz [dozen] ____ (L & T Lettuce & tomato) = 4.50
Co [Company] C went on an expedition (line crossed out)

Wednesday, June 11, 1862

fair & coolish [cool] pilot bread frid [fried] pork
& coffee I had some frid [fried] eggs (5) Co [company] drill
dinner pea soop [soup] & pilot bread
sworped [swapped] eggs for a bottle of oil 3 doz [dozen]
25 cts [cents] each - oil 75 cts [cents] Co [company] drill dress perade [parade]
nut cakes & coffee Co [Company] C went on an
expedition sent a letter to A F Cate

Thursday, June 12, 1862

fair & pleasant coffee & frid [fried] pork
pilot bread went on guard at ten
boil beef & pilot bread hot Thomas
Newturn [Newton] under gard [guard] supper nut
cakes & coffee countersine [countersign] Paul Jones moon
shine Co [Company] C got back from Plimmouth [Plymouth]
went up with some arms
30 men enlisted

Friday, June 13, 1862

fair & windy to day pilot bread
f [fried] pork & coffee came off from guard
at six cleened [cleaned] my gun frid [fried] pork
& pilot bread at 1/2 past 3 went out to
drill dress perade [parade] at six nut
cakes & coffee Blouse 2.63

Saturday, June 14, 1862

fair & coolish [cool] pilot bread & frid [fried] pork
& coffee washed & in swiming [swimming] washed some
clothes for Hall & Perkins & miself [myself]
dinner boil beef & pilot bread pretty
lot dress perade [parade] Thomas Newton
turned as Corporal nut cakes & prepared

Sunday, June 15, 1862

fair & hot pilot bread frid [fried] pork &
coffee I got a letter from
Lizzie No [number] 9 went out over the
Isl [Island] got some cherryes [cherries] got (Malvin (Marvin] got some pies
5 for a dollar) I got a quart of
beer for 10 cts [cents] pea soop [soup] for dinner
four nut cakes & coffee corn is up to
my waist

Monday, June 16, 1862

fair & cold & windy to day pilot
bread frid [fried] pork & coffee Co [company] drill
dinner boil pork & pilot bread
battalion drill passing revew [review]
holow [hollow] squar [square] dress perade [parade] supper
9 nut cakes & coffee a turnover
15 cts [cents]

Tuesday, June 17, 1862

fair & coolish [cool] pilot bread frid [fried] p [pork]
& coffee Co [company] drill dinner boil beef
& pilot bread no drill but orders
came to get redy [ready] to move tomorrow
with three days raitions [rations] mail came
in nut cakes & coffee sent a letter to
Lizzie book paper to Loretta

Wednesday, June 18, 1862

a little rain fair & hot we struck
tents about 8 left camp at two
o'clock embarked on Orion Wave
& shifted on to the Norther [Northern] 23 of men
3 o'clock out Croaton [Croatan] into Pimlico [Pamlico]
Sound I got some tea made 25 cts [cents]

Thursday, June 19, 1862

fair & hot they waid [weighed] anchor
& started at 5 o'clock on our way
to Newberne [New Bern] Sandish [Sandwich] and 6 o'clock
at Newberne [New Bern] we march a mile through
a thunder shower (lightning struck tree within
a few rods of the rigt [regiment]) to camp and then to
the depot a mile or so stoped [stopped] all night
the(y) gave the rigt [regiment] a glass of whiskey I went to
hospital with Huchings [Hutchings] and back to depot
the name of the last boat was Curlew

Friday, June 20, 1862

Cloudy & fair & a shower towards night
We left the depot this morning
to pitch tents got out
tents up and was detailed to go on
guard first relief the rigt [regiment] got -
a glass of whiskey a peace [piece] a review sword
presented to Gen Burnside by Cadies of ____ (Rei?) cost 600 dollars

Saturday, June 21, 1862

fair & hot & a little rainy pilot bread frid [fried]
pork & coffe [coffee] came of [off] from guard dinner pilot
bread boil beef cleaning my gun went
after some boards white bread &
coffee bought half lb. butter 20 cts [cents]
I waid [weighed] 154 lbs. mail came in
I went after some boards for tent

Sunday, June 22, 1862

fair & hot pilot bread & butter frid [fried] pork
& coffee I went in swiming [swimming]
& shifted my clothes dinner boil
beef & pilot bread Inspection of
arms this morning the mail came
in I got a letter from Lewis No [number]
9 dress perade [parade] we are the Co [Company]
supper white bread & butter & coffee

Monday, June 23, 1862

fair & hot pilot bread f [fried] pork &
coffee in tent dinner beans
buildins [building] our bangs supper
white bread & coffee dress perade [parade]

Tuesday, June 24, 1862

fair & hot pilot bread pork & coffee
Co [Company] drill dinner boil beef A box
from home cheese, crackers, a loaf of
sweet bread, black tea, & coffee, paper &
Invelopes [envelopes] a J [jack] knife I sent a letter
to Lewis at Pittsfield Battalion drill

Wednesday, June 25, 1862

fair and hot pilot bread f [fried]
pork & coffee Co. drill dinner boil
beef battalion drill supper white
bread & tea & dress perade [parade] before
Mass 7th went
off with blankets and haversacks
fresh frid [fried] beef stake [steak] one cap
63 cts [cents]

Thursday, June 26, 1862

fair & hot coffe
white bread & boil fresh beef Co [company] drill
went two 1/2 miles after boards
dinner boil beef battalion
drill supper white bread dried
apple sauce & black tea

Friday, June 27, 1862

fair & hot breck [breakfast] pilot bread frid [fried]
pork & coffee I went on guard
dinner boil beef went on guard at 12
I sent a paper to Adell [Adele] Sherbur [Sherburne]
I sent a letter to Father] supper
white bread & tea & Mol [molasses] countersine [countersign]
Quabeck [Quebec]

Saturday, June 28, 1862

Cloudy & showery breck [breakfast] white
bread Mol [molasses] & coffee came off
from guard went in swimming
in the river dinner fresh
boil beef & pilot bread dress perad [parade]
supper fresh boil beef & coffee

Sunday, June 29, 1862

Cloudy hot and a shower white bread frid [fried] pork
& cup of coffe [coffee] from home Inspection of arms
by Lieut [Lieutenant] Col [Colonel] dinner beens [beans] wrote and
sent a letter to Louisa

Monday, June 30, 1862

fair & hot pilot bread Apple sauce
cheese bought Ben 5 sheets of emery paper 25 (cents)
sent some things in John Fayes
box cap vest undershirt hankerchief [handkerchief]
pencil sharpener white bread Monthly
Inspection mustered in for pay
bought 10 _______ (Leman's?) 50 packed up for
a march

Tuesday, July 1, 1862

Cloudy & hot & fair coffee white bread
& sauce Co [company] drill I went into
foart [Fort] totten [Totten] 20 _____ (ganes or ganer?) got a pass
we (went) to look the village over got some
lemons had a nice supper fish &
new potatoes hash Apple sauce Tea
for ____ (2?) let Ben have 15 cts [cents]

Wednesday, July 2, 1862

little cloudy & fair & hot struck tents
about six started at leven [eleven] embarked
on steam boat Highland Light 1/2 shifted
Pioneer this at 12 p.m. went
down the Neuse River anchored about
7 p.m. in same rainy

Thursday, July 3, 1862

(fair) cloudy & rainy coffee & pilot bread
waid [weighed] anchor & started at seven stoped [stopped]
in the river at eleven dinner huney [honey]
Pilot bread new(s) came that Richmond
was taken orders from _____ (Allice?) _____ (prid?) to stop started back to New
Berne [Bern] at two arrived at half (past) six p.m. orders
came on the steam boat Allison for us
to return up river
cold night

Friday, July 4, 1862

cloudy & rainy still on the Pioner [Pioneer]
the Co [Company] had whiskey I refused it
the Highland Light came to carry
us ashore we started at half past eleven &
landed at 12 (p) m. the bells were ringing
cannons were fired into camp about two
I went on guard four Co's [companies] went up to 25 Mass
got supper bacon white bread potatoes & coffee
clearing & burning _____ (Tarah?) & news came
that N __ (C or J) had laid down her arms (....I'm guessing it's a C for North Carolina)

Saturday, July 5, 1862

fair & hot in day time cold night came of [off]
from guard took a (____) with Crawford Ham
Tilton & Haynes I bought a quart of
Huckleberies [Huckleberries] 15 cts [cents] see a lot of Apples
I waid [weighed] on scales 153 got some cotten [cotton] seed
boroud [borrowed] a sheet of paper & Invelope [envelope] of [from] Ham a stamp
of [from] Ben (wrote a letter to Lizzie
J. S. wrote No [number] 9 Home)

Sunday, July 6, 1862

cold morning fair & hot struck tents
at 4 clock [o'clock] left Camp Foster about 5 got some huney [honey]
& went to the warf [wharf] embarked on the
Highland Light & shifted on to the
Pioneer not far from eight A.M. anchored
in the Neuse River in the eavening [evening] P.M.
slep [slept] on deck the eavening [evening] was clear & pleasant

Monday, July 7, 1862

fair & pleasant growing hot waid [weighed] anchor &
started at five o'clock past Fort Hatteras at
1/2 past six the Co [company] got whiskey the boat rolles [rolls]
a little after passing
the Cape the ocean was smooth
& level & ______ (road?, meaning rode) nice
Anchored at half past ten o'clock
P.M. laid on deck (eave [evening] was clear)

Tuesday, July 8, 1862

fair & pleasant two gill of whiskey
gave it away they waid [weighed] anchor and started
at half past six A.M. past Cape
arived [arrived] at
Fortress Monrow [Monroe] at 20 min.
past eleven A.M.

Wednesday, July 9, 1862

fair & pleasant towards noon
hot pilot bread coffee boil beef still
we remain on the Pioneer at
Fortress Monrow [Monroe] Co [company] got some cheese
Lemons and some Blowny [Baloney] Sauciges [Sausages]
and sugger [sugar] at four o'clock a salute of 21 gunes [guns]
from a gun boat and 21 from the fort on President
Lincoln return from Mecllen [McClellan] army _____ Fortress
Monrow [Monroe] at five ___ arrived & landed at about seven
at Newport News
he past [passed] right by the fort ____ ___
laid out in the moonshine

Thursday, July 10, 1862

fair & pleasant went in swiming [swimming] in James
River at Newport News had orders to
move a few rods and pitch tents I saw A.
C. Marsh he is in the 7th Batery [Battery] Mass ___
hot white bread (for dinner) & coffee
went in swiming [swimming]

Friday, July 11, 1862

Cloudy & rainy hard bread & coffee
Co [Company] drill dinner Oister [oyster]
soop [soup] & pilot bread no drill
this afternoon (I wrote a letter
Mother No [number] 10)
dress perade [parade] 11th ______ (bonn?) came
Ashore Maria Peabody died

Saturday, July 12, 1862

went in swiming [swimming] washed clothes
fair & warm frid [fried] pork &
coffee & pilot bread Co [company] drill
dinner beens [beans] & pilot bread
a number of us went out blackbering [BlackBerrying]
found a few dress perade [parade] built a bunk
in afternoon we are on the right of the 1st brigade
2nd Division Chaplain from

Sunday, July 13, 1862

Maria Peabody was buried
fair & pleasant I went on guard
Brigade guard mount Ben went
as picket guard breckst [breakfast] fresh boil
beef & some home tea dinner peace [piece]
f [fried] beef some beens [beans] & soft bread & home tea
dress perade [parade] formed a hollow square
Chaplain from our Brigade Hospital preached from
91st Psalm & made a prayer I was sick
Malvin [Melvin] took my place

Monday, July 14, 1862

fair & warm hard bread fresh beef
& coffee they had Co [company] drill I went out but
give it up & come back dinner boil beef
Tilton & I went out to get some water went
I got some butter 1/2 lb. 15 cts [cents] I made
out to eat to butter & bread
Brigade dress

Tuesday, July 15, 1862

fair & hot Co [company] drill breckst [breakfast] boil
pilot bread dinner pea soop [soup] &
pilot bread the Brigade move(d)
the tents we moved ours a few rods
Battalion drill hot dress perade [parade]
supper white bread & tea & butter a hevy [heavy]
thunder shower (two letters from Lewis one
from Lizzie at Pembroke 1 3-ct stamp

Wednesday, July 16, 1862

fair & warm soft bread
& home tea dinner white bread
& butter spent 5 cts [cents] for butter
Co [company] drill in fournoon [forenoon] dress perade [parade]
and a little battalion drill four
regt [regiments] came ashore 28 Mass
supper tea & pilot bread

Thursday, July 17, 1862

fair & hot had coffee & pilot bread
&frid [fried] pork = a little butter Co [company] drill
went in swiming [swimming] with a lot of others
dinner rice & melted sugger [sugar] battalion
drill supper white bread & tea dress perade [parade]
commence with thunder
a stedy [steady] rain Dea Cate died this (evening)

Friday, July 18, 1862

Cloudy & stormy a northeaster(n)
some cold pilot bread frid [fried] pork & coffee
Co [company] drill dinner pilot bread
& bacon fat (sent a letter
to Lewis with a word to Berry
No [number] 7) supper fresh beef white bread
& coffee & butter dress perade [parade]

Saturday, July 19, 1862

Cloudy & a little rainy frid [fried] pork
& coffee Brigade drill dinner
frid [fried] beef spent .05 cts [cents] for five berin [berry]
sagk [sacks] & I took 4 or 5 mile march
got blackberries came back to camp
Chs. [Charles] J. Brown came to camp
from Newbern getting hotter Dea Cate was buried

Sunday, July 20, 1862

cloudy & misty home tea & white bread
they had inspection I went
out guard at 4 at _____ (----terms?)
____ (?) peas for dinner soft
bread & home tea for supper

Monday, July 21, 1862

Cloudy & showery pilot bread
& frid [fried] pork came of [off] from guard
______ (Spcs?) Shepard Maiden & I went
____ (out?) BlackBerrying got 3 qt. some
huckelberries [huckleberries] dinner boil pork
white bread battalion drill supper
tea bread & black [blackberry] sauce dress perade [parade]

Tuesday, July 22, 1862

Cloudy & a little showery home
coffee blackbery [blackberry] sauce & white bread
Co [company] drill beens [beans] & pilot bread
brigade drill supper beens [beans] tea &
p [pilot] bread dress perade [parade] (a letter from
father Lizzie and a little from Adell [Adele]
in one July 1st an(d) 7th all is well)

Wednesday, July 23, 1862

(some verses sent a letter to Lizzie at Pembroke)
fair & cloudy and rainy pilot bread frid [fried]
pork I had home coffee Co [company] drill
dinner boil new potatoes frid [fried] pork
& c [company] battalion drill under Major Dost
supper white bread & butter & tea & potatoes
dress perade [parade]

Thursday, July 24, 1862

Cloudy & showery Co [company] drill
& battalion drill to day (got a
letter from Step Mother and letter
from Loratta [Loretta] & father in same sad news
that Maria Peabody died the 11th was
buried the 13th Father & Loratta [Loretta] went
& that Dea Cate died the eave [evening] of the 17th buried
the 19th 9th NY regt [regiment] came ashore orders
for a march

Friday, July 25, 1862

fair & hot orders to get redy [ready] with 1 days
raitions [rations] started with 4 Penn 6 NH &
2nd Md from camp at eight o'clock A.M.
48th & Penn bands played also our(s) arrived
at Youngs Mills beteen [between] 12 & 1 o'clock very tired
started from there at 1/2 past 5 the band struck
up arrived at Warwick C.H. at sun down Leuit. [Lieutenant] Griffin
came up brought some tea

Saturday, July 26, 1862

hevy [heavy] dew
fair & hot started at 1/2 past four on our way
back to camp halted a number of times arrived
into camp at 12 P.M. 3 qts. of whiskey for
Co [company] dinner pea soop [soup] very tired & fatigued
I waid [weighed] 147 lbs. went in swiming [swimming] dress perade [parade]
supper home tea white bread & butter
eat the last of home cheese

Sunday, July 27, 1862

hot & fair home tea & frid [fried] pork
& coffee Co [company] inspection dinner
boil beef & pilot bread dress
perade [parade] supper home tea white
bread & molasses saw the 2nd
Md & NH 8th on dress perade [parade]

Monday, July 28, 1862

fair & very hot coffee & pilot bread
& frid [fried] pork Co [company] drill I sent
A Letter Home to Father
& folks at home dinner pea soop [soup]
battalion drill supper four nut
cakes & home tea (they had coffee)
dress perade [parade] went in swiming [swimming]

Tuesday, July 29, 1862

fair & pleasant pilot bread & frid [fried] pork &
peas (& coffee) I had home tea Co [company] drill
boil pork & pilot bread brigade
drill under Col. ______ (Aggrat?)
supper _____ (paist? is this 'paste') or rice pudden [pudding] went
swiming [swimming] boys singing there is rest

Wednesday, July 30, 1862

Cloudy & fair & hot pilot bread frid [fried]
pork & coffee dinner frid [fried] pilot bread
I went on guard at 8 A.M. at 2 o'clock too
over the spring blackberry sauce &
doe nuts [doughnuts] dress perade [parade] at six
reading the Young Christian

Thursday, July 31, 1862

Cloudy & a little sprinkle of rain
pilot bread coffee & frid [fried] pork blackberries b [bread]
brigade inspection came off from
guard at ten dinner four doe nuts [doughnuts]
& c [company] battalion drill rainy supper five
doe nuts [doughnuts] & coffee The mail
came in two (papers) Harpers Weekly & Independent Tribune
from Lizzie at Pembroke

Friday, August 1, 1862

Cloudy & fair & warm pilot bread
frid [fried] pork & home tea Co [company] drill
dinner beens [beans] &c Samuel F. Knowls [Knowles]
came from Newburne with other boys
Sent a letter to Uncle
David Sherburne

Saturday, August 2, 1862

fair struck tents at six We was [were] paid
off U.S. Note money 26.00 dollars left
camp and embarked on the schooner
(its name Scallop) at about 10 left Newport News at sundown
anchored nere [near] fortress Manrow [Monroe] at 9 1/2 o'clock I
toed [towed] along by steamboat ______ (Cassarc?)

Sunday, August 3, 1862

Cloud(y) but hot & fair rainy started about
3 o'clock some reading testament others papers
some playing cards passing the Potomac Light
house at 12 P.M. past Raggidy [Ragged] Point (Lighthouse) Anchored
at about ten o'clock Port Tobacco
hot & sultry in the boat

Monday, August 4, 1862

hot & very warm in the middle deck
again we went on Beautiful scenery
on all sides landed at Aquia landing
at four went _____ (boad? perhaps 'aboard'?) the cars at Richmond,
Fredericksburg & Potomac R. arrived
Palmouth depot march 1/2 mile spread
blankets in the grass

Tuesday, August 5, 1862

hot & in middle of day walking around
warm & pleasant laying floor to
our tent floor in our tent & a piazzar [piazza]
went in (everything from 'warm' to 'in' crossed out) help put up Capt [Captain] tent had
orders for three Co's [Companies] to move pack up left
Palmouth depot at 2 1/2 [2:30] arrived at Potomac
Creek R.R. Bridge pitched tents Chaplain
from keen [Keene] came to the regt [regiment]

Wednesday, August 6, 1862

fair & warm laid floor to our
tent with piazza of brows at front
door went in swiming [swimming] above the bridge
went blackberring [BlackBerrying] got a pint and a lot
to eat there is lots of them got these in 1/2
hour nice warter [water] to drink

Thursday, August 7, 1862 (crossed out Thursday and wrote 'Tuesday')

very warm the Co. (&) I furnished
the guard on R. R. I was unwell
doing [during] the day regts [regiments] after regts [regiments] passing
bougt [bought] 2 doz [dozen] paises [pastries] for 10 cts [cents]
hot & disagreeable the long roll
was beat, fall out double quick
all is quiet clead [cleaned] up quarters

Friday, August 8, 1862

fair & unpleasant in tent cool
out under the trees I had some nice
peaches & a peace [piece] of white bread
all I eat dwoing [during] the day the mail
came in supper a little tea and
concentrated milk I was sick and
throde [threw] up my tea

Saturday, August 9, 1862

fair & a little windy I am some better
to day scoured my gun bought
to [two] glases [glasses] of lemonade 10 (cents) cakes 5 (cents) a book
10 (cents) received a letter from
Father Lewis at Pitts(field) and
Lizzie at Pembrook [Pembroke]

Sunday, August 10, 1862

fair & warm I was unwell
Sent a letter to Father
our Co [company] furnished the guard
pack up our overcoats an(d) dress coats
I put in to [two] coats a pair of draws [drawers] bullet
mold a pair of stockings &c bought four
loafs [loaves] of bread 1 lb. butter had it for supper

Monday, August 11, 1862

fair & pleasant had some white
bread a pint of milk & butter & potatoes that
we bought I sent a letter
to Lewis with two five dollars
bills in it to Pitts(field)
I got a letter from Lizzie
mail July 21st sent to Newburne [Newbern]

Tuesday, August 12, 1862

fair & not very hot with wind and a
thunder shower in afternoon 1 pint of milk .05 (cents)
the boys went out to confiscate
had orders to get redy [ready] to move in a
shower struck tent about four or five
Dr. Robert Crawford for 12 cakes 15 cts [cents]
and lb. of cheese at 20 (cents) a lb. left as cars in
eavening [evening] regt [regiment] marched 13 miles I stoped [stopped] at
Palmouth depot

Wednesday, August 13, 1862

Coolish [cool] to day I bought a pint of
milk for 05 (cents) tribune paper 05 (cents)
I went down to the depot and
got my napsack [knapsack] the boys bought
some apples we had some sauce
I waid [weighed] 150 lb. West Point got recked [wrecked]
76 lives lost 11 out of our regt [regiment]

Thursday, August 14, 1862

not very warm but coolish [cool] they
had to eat at hospital some buiscuit [biscuit]
Apple sauce gruel tea white bread
& toast I went down to depot
bought turnover .05 (cents) went and see [saw]
the neggroes [negroes] thrash wheet [wheat] with
0 horses on 8 neg's [negroes] to tend it

Friday, August 15, 1862

coolish [cool] in the morning but pleasant
had some buiscuit [biscuit] baked by the neggroes [negroes]
out of hospital flower [flour] Cate, Emery & I
went down to the depot for a peace [piece] of
wartermelon [watermelon] white bread and coffee
herd [heard] the news that Lieut. Col. Scott wife
Maj [Major] Dort wife & bay Lieut. Commings [Cummings] of Co. G
wife & Dc Briant [Bryant] out of our Co [company] got drownded [were drowned]

Saturday, August 16, 1862

cool this morn(ing) to day is pleasant & fair
still remain at the hospital had some
frid [fried] fresh veil [veal] for breck [breakfast] veil [veal] soop [soup]for dinner
writeing [writing] a letter to Lizzie this afternoon
4 of us had pudding and milk
my part was 10 cts [cents] milk 10 cts [cents] & meels [meals] 05 cts [cents] a
vist [visit] each as they sell it here

Sunday, August 17, 1862

cold this morn(ing) had white bread & coffee
left Gen(eral) Hospital at 9 o'clock went
aboard of the cars steam 8 & 9 I sent a letter
to Lizzie with 5.00 dollars in it
arrived at Aquia Creak and went ahead of the
steam boat Alice Price at 11 A.M. arrived at Alexandria
about 3 P.M. I saw the Marshall house Ellsworth was killed
bought a melon 38 cts [cents]

Monday, August 18, 1862

started on the cars at five 1/2 past the
day was fair & pleasant arrived at
Culpeper Cort [Court] house about noon
nothing but white bread & cheese I lent
John N. Emery 25 cts [cents] to be paid when he
got to the regt [regiment] stoped [stopped] all night the
depot Lieut. Brook and part of the men went along
no sleep army retreeting [retreating]

Tuesday, August 19, 1862

fair & hot nothing to eat but hard
tack bought 3 cups of tea 05 cts [cents] one of
inhabitance to eat dinner veal and
corn bread & coffee good left Culpeper
at 3 on the cars stoped [stopped] at Raphan [Rappahannock] Station
all night baked a pint of beens [beans]

Wednesday, August 20, 1862

fair & hot nothing to eat but pilot bread to
eat a few beens [beans] left roasted a piece of
fresh pork left Rappahanock [Rappahannock]
Station about noon march four to
six miles to Barnetts Fourde [Ford]
the rebels one side & we the other
hard tack to (eat) little rainy

Thursday, August 21, 1862

Cloudy & warm 1500 Calvary went
(1st Va 1st Va 1st Md & 6th NY Cav.)
over the river beef for dinner
formed a line close to the river
our Co [company] went on a picket a hoe
cake 15 (cents) a little rainy took
1000 bush(els) from a rebel Native
we order past us for Gen Rene

Friday, August 22, 1862

Cloudy the regt [regiment] came along from
Barnetts Ford to Rappahanock [Rappahannock]
Station about noon cannons
______ (ardering?) on boath [both] sides up the river
a thunder shower with ruind [ruined] access
took the oath of alleagance [allegiance] made us a rain
house covered with rubbers tea & pilot bread

Saturday, August 23, 1862

a shower no breckfast [breakfast] or dinner a little
luncheon of pilot bread went on a march up
the Rappahanock [Rappahannock] River a hevy [heavy] thunder shower at
three o'clock lightening killed a niggroe [negro]
a little fireing [firing] of field pieces halted & started
after eating supper pilot bread & coffee at
9 1/2 o'clock halted at 12 o'clock night slept
until morning

Sunday, August 24, 1862

fair & cool morn(ing)
started at 4 1/2 A.M. stoped [stopped] & eat breckfast [breakfast]
at six fresh & salt pork tea & pilot bread roast corn &
haist [hasty] pudding halted nere [near] the Rappahanock [Rappahannock R. [River]
on a hill at 9 A.M. three brigaides [brigades] here cannon
______ (adeing? aiding?) commenced at 8 1/2 remained here until
2 1/2 P.M. shells thrown over head ___
_____ (oved?) halted at 5 1/2 at the sulpher [sulfur] springs
in the valey [valley] cup of tea & pilot bread

Monday, August 25, 1862

fair & coolish [cool] started at 5 1/2 this morn(ing) 6 1/2
halted in Oak Grove by C. Church went &
got some apples & 1/4 of a pig arrived after a hard
march both in 2 miles of Warrenton Junction
halted 10 P.M. remained all night last 5
miles was performed in quick time past Warrenton
half mile

Tuesday, August 26, 1862

started at seven A.M. very warm
tea (hard) tack potatoes & piece of pig for breckfast [breakfast] passed
through the 2nd NH & camp at 9 passed
Warrenton Junc [Junction] halted on a plane
where within a mile of Junc [Warrenton Junction]
at 9 1/2 whashed [washed] myself all over had beens [beans]
porage [porridge] for dinner bought a pint of white
sugger [sugar] a paper (6 _____ (?)) 05 cts [cents]
eat nothing for supper have to go a
mile after water sold B. S. Robinson
1 hankerchief [handkerchief] 20 cts [cents] O. P. Berley owes me
60 cts [cents]

Wednesday, August 27, 1862

Cloudy & warm the drum beat at three for
us to pack up (hard) tack & cup of tea
started at 5 1/2 A.M. commandeering commenced
about 6 some wayes [ways] off found Robert
Crawford .25 cts [cents] for cheese orders countermanded
turned around and went back
I stoped [stopped] at Warrenton Junct. [Junction] and
came along with the Ambulances a
part of the way & lost them stoped [stopped] at a creek
at 12 1/2

Thursday, August 28, 1862

started a foot road a part of the way
from the brook stoped [stopped] at the Griss Mill
in fournoon [forenoon] started along with the regt [regiment]
road [rode] in bagge [baggage] waggon [wagon] to Manassas S
about four left that place a windy shower
went a few miles & stoped [stopped] all night
fresh beef roast ___ (?) a cup of tea

Friday, August 29, 1862

fair & warm pack up and left for
Bull Run a little before sunrise passed a
number of _________ (foilfications?) I cut the corners & saved
a part of the time I couldn't walk I am unwell
_____ (?) got a cough Diarrier [diarrhea] weak all over cannon commenced
fireing [firing] about 7 arrived at Bull R [Run] at 10 A.M. I stoped [stopped]
with Ambulances the regt [regiment] went into a fight came out all cut up
Lieut. Moore killed a number wounded Capts [Captain's] arm
came home brocken [broken] above the rist [wrist] keep up fireing [firing]
after sundown

Saturday, August 30, 1862

fair & warm had some fresh beef & coffee pilot bread
fireing [firing] commence after sunrise moved the
wounded & sick a mile orders came for all
that walk to go to Bull R. S. [Run Station] on acount [account] of starting
us off a panack [panic] commenced the straglars [stragglers] & cowards
fell in the battle field is changed in different
direction we laid down ____(ance?) after resting a number of times we arrived at
Centervilla [Centreville] at 12 o'clock night

Sunday, August 31, 1862

Cloudy & rainy started a little after sunrise from
Centervilla [Centreville] for Fairfax C. H. after resting a
number of times we arrived to the hotell [hotel] ___ (wh?)
Weeks & I stoped [stopped] all night Capt [Captain] & wounded
went on cars John Hamilton & Page
____ (Looy?) passed new troops passing up 6

Monday, September 1, 1862

stoped [stopped] around Farefax [Fairfax] C. H.
I bought a loaf of soaft [soft] bread for
Weeks .25 (cents) teams passing boath [both]
wayes [ways] a little coolish [cool] Cannanading [Commandeering]
nere [near] Centervill [Centerville] I bought some Gren [green] tea
15 (cents) & two 3 ct [cent] Invelops [envelopes] Weeks &
I started twoards [towards] Alexandria a
hevy [heavy] thunder shower stoped [stopped] on the way
under some hay

Tuesday, September 2, 1862

cloudy a little rainy started again towards
Alexandria I bought a paper .05 (cents) 4 apples .05 (cents)
4 baked pears in syrup .04 (cents) one pint of
pop corn .05 (cents) after resting several times we
arrived at Alexandria about noon in
the Mansion House took dinner fresh
beef soop [soup] & white bread supper white bread
& coffee got current [currant] jelly given to me went on
board the Long Branck [Branch] stop all night pain
in shoulder bowells [bowels]

Wednesday, September 3, 1862

fair but a little coolish [cool] started for
Washington got there not far from
noon landed and marched two
miles to Eckington Hospital
supper at the hospital white bread
& butter tea with milk in it
laid between sheets on bed

Thursday, September 4, 1862

a clean white shirt
fair but cool morning bread & milked
coffee & baked pork doctor came to
see me gave me a pill & sent some
cough medicen [medicine] by a Catholic woman
to take teaspoonful once in & [an] hour
dinner baked fresh beef potatoes soop [soup]
& white bread Sent a letter to Father supper
bread & molasses tea & milk sold a get
stamp two sheets of paper

Friday, September 5, 1862

fair an(d) warm had a good nights
rest breckfast [breakfast] coffee & milk bread & b [boiled] beef
bought a pint of milk .05 (cents) doctor came left two
pills to be taken at night fresh beef &
potatoes bread & cup of soop [soup] & pidding [pudding] received
some tracks & Messengers papers supper
all soft bread & molasses tea & milk

Saturday, September 6, 1862

fair & warm breckfast [breakfast] bread coffee & milk
& fresh meet [meat] help sweep a little no
new medicen [medicine] this morn(ing) dinner
fresh beef & dessicated [desiccated] potato(es) bread
& soop [soup] breid [bread] & butter tea
for supper

Sunday, September 7, 1862

fair & warm bread beef &
coffee got some more cough
medicen [medicine] & some for the sweets
dinner Potatoes & meet [meat] & soop [soup] &
bread went to meeting a few steps
supper bread & moslasses tea &

Monday, September 8, 1862

Phil [Philadelphia] Inquire [Inquirer] bought a paper .05 (cents)
fair & very warm midle [middle] of the day
breck [breakfast] bread & coffee fresh beef got a
pill from doctor hard diarrear [diarrhea]
dinner bread beens [beans] soop [soup] peace [piece of pork & f [fresh] beef
Sent a letter to Lizzie at
Pembroke a few wartermelon [watermelon] seeds
supper milked tea bread & sauce
I (have a) hard pain in bowels

Tuesday, September 9, 1862

cloudy & coolish [cool] breck [breakfast] bread &
f [fresh] beef milked coffee received a
pill for diarhea [diarrhea] from doctor
bought 12 invelopes [envelopes] 10 cts [cents] dinner beef
bread & soop [soup] eat couple Apples
Sent a letter to Ben supper bread & tea

Wednesday, September10, 1862

fair & warm a little cloudy breck [breakfast]
they had bread & beef coffee bought
some paper six sheets .05 (cents) cakes .03 (cents) dinner bread
beef burnt homany [hominy] & cup (of) soop [soup] the Chaplain
gave ous [us] the Christian Banor [Banner]
pain in bowels dizzy & weak supper
tea mols [molasses] bread (a little cheese)

Thursday, September 11, 1862

Cloudy & rainy but warm breckfast [breakfast]
bread, meet, [meat,] coffee & tea bought four
sticks of candy .03 (cents) & two pens of [from]
Weeks .02 cts [cents] dinner bread potatoes &
fresh beef & soop [soup] supper bread Tea
with milk & four pairs [pears] thunder
showers very rainy

Friday, September 12, 1862

fair & warm breckfast [breakfast] coffee with milk
beef & bread the Chaplain brought ous [us]
some little books a N.Y. Independent dinner
been [bean] porage [porridge] bread beef & soop [soup] I tosted [toasted] some bread for my dinner
Sent a letter to Lewis at Pittsfield
supper bread & tea with milk little rainy

Saturday, September 13, 1862

Cloudy & a little coolish [cool] breckfast [breakfast] coffee meet [meat] &
bread Gen [general] examination some discharged
some go to there [their] regt [regiment] dinner pea soop [soup]
boil fresh beef & bread washed pair (of) stockings
supper bread & tea & with milk bought a
pint of milk .05 (cents) for my supper with tea & bread
I received two shirts from the N. H.
Committy [Committee] one bossam [bosom] fine one button in front

Sunday, September 14, 1862

fair but coolish [cool] breckfast [breakfast] coffee bread &
baked beef for mine I tosted [toasted] some bread to eat
with beef doctor gave & [an] opeum [opium] pill dinner
beef toasted bread buttered & potatoes had it
brought to me Received a letter from
Home the 11th regt [regiment] starts the 11th of this month from Concord

Monday, September 15, 1862

fair & warm I had my breckfast [breakfast] brought
baked beef toasted & gravy bread & coffee bought
2 lb. cheese .20 cts [cents] a lb. 12 suggered [sugared] doe nuts [doughnuts] & 8 sower [sour] apples
in all .50 cts [cents] dinner bread & meet [meat] soop [soup]
& bread pudding fair and a moonshine
eave [evening] supper tea & bread & cheese one
pint of milk .05 (cents)

Tuesday, September 16, 1862

N.H. sent to me got a pair of stockings
fair & cloudy & rainy coffee, bread &
baked meet [meat] & cheese dinner toasted slice
of bread slice of baked meat & gravy bought a
Phill [Philadelphia] Inquire [Inquirer] .05 (cents) 5 .03 cent stamps .15 (cents) 2 .01 cent stamps
.02 (cents) in all .22 (cents) the docter [doctor] gave me two
Opium pills to be take(n) at night supper
had brought Apple sauce bread & tea
Sent a letter & papers to Father

Wednesday, September17, 1862

Cloudy & misty & foggy twoards [towards] night showery
breckfast [breakfast] brought to me tea bread & baked
beef with cheese went out halt the guard to on brook washed all over put on
N.H. shirt and Hospital draws [drawers] borred [borrowed]
pants to have mine washed dinner bread
boil beef soop [soup] & pudding bought 1/2 lb. butter
18 cts [cents] supper bread & Apple sauce & Tea

Thursday, September 18, 1862

rainy when sun shone afterwards fair &
warm breckfast [breakfast] coffee bread & meet [meat] I toasted
bread with butter for mine docter [doctor] gave me two
Opium pills too [to] phthisic me out & a powder
to take at night dinner peas fried beef
& tostated [toasted] bread & butter with soop [soup] fair weather
supper tea bread & butter

Friday, September 19, 1862

fair & warm I tostated [toasted] bread & eat that
with (butter) beef (cheese) I got a letter from
Loretta & Adell [Adele] sent by A.C. Lock [Locke] paid
for washing pants .15 cts [cents] Dutchman dinner tostated [toasted]
bread & (butter) & beef I fixed bought an Inquire [Inquirer] .05 (cents)
N.H. Committy [Committee] came gave ous [us] Apples two each ginger
cakes & a Glas [glass] of nice current [currant] wine & Magazines to read
supper Tea & bread (cheese) I maid [made] a ring out (of) peach ston [stone]
Sent Inquire [Inquirer] to Lewis & Banner Pitts [Pittsfield]

Saturday, September 20, 1862

Cloudy & chilly I toasted some bread & eat with (cheese)
& beef coffee I helped wash the floor Paid Charles
Zahn washing lining pants for Cha [Charles] Watser 10 cts [cents]
received 26.00 dollars at Eckington
Hospital dinner I tosted [toasted] some bread
eat bread beef & cheese help eat a watermelon
supper bread & Tea with milk

Sunday, September 21, 1862

fair & warm in midle [middle] of day breckfast [breakfast] I
tosted [toasted] some bread and eat with baked beef
I sent a letter to Loretta & Adell [Adele]
boath [both] together with a ring & little book in it
dinner bread pudding beef bread & soop [soup]
I went to a furnral [funeral] the wife of one of the soldiers
she was burried [buried] here supper tea bread
& cheese finished reding [reading] the Morning Star

Monday, September 22, 1862

fair & coolish [cool] breckfast [breakfast] bread beef & coffee
I tosted [toasted] my bread gravy I aint [am not] so well to day my
eyes & head ake [ache] dinner soop [soup] boil beef & bread
(gravy & bread) some 30 ___ (ad) went there [their] regiments
this afternoon from this hospital
still my eyes ake [ache] made a ring supper
I tosted [toasted] some bread eat it with tea

Tuesday, September 23, 1862

fair but coolish [cool] this morn(ing) hot at noon
breckfast [breakfast] I tosted [toasted] bread & eat it with a
pint of milk that I bought .05 (cents) a pt [pint] reading
about Panama this fournoon [forenoon] in Magazine
dinner Apple dumplin [dumpling] beef soop [soup] & bread
dumplin [dumpling] was good (Minister gave ous [us] books)
supper Tea & bread

Wednesday, September24, 1862

fair & towards night cloudy & rainy
breckfast [breakfast] I tosted [toasted] bread & eat with beef & coffee
dinner bread, baked beef & soop [soup] bought sweet
cakes .05 (cents) 1/2 quar [quart] paper .05 (cents) bunch invelopes [envelopes] .20 (cents) 2 pens .05 (cents) I
recived [received] two letters one from Lavina wrote July 27th Newburne [Newbern]
one from Louisa wrote Aug 17th directed Newport News

Thursday, September 25, 1862

coolish [cool] & warm I received two letters
one from Lewis with 4 3-cent
& 3 1-cent stamps one letter from Lizzie with
4 3-cent & 1 one cent stamps and a sheet of paper
dinner beef bread & soop [soup]
bread & tea (butter)

Friday, September 26, 1862

fair & warm in midle [middle] of day cold morning
enogh [enough] to (put) mittins [mittens] on for breckfast [breakfast] we had
beef hash kind of a soop [soup] beef was cut up
in chunks it has vinegar onions &c in it dinner
pudding, beef, bread & cup of soop [soup] I bought
two boild [boiled] eggs .06 cts [cents] 1/2 lb. butter 18 cts [cents]
21 paroled prisoners cam [came] from Richmond
they were poor ragged scurvy & lausy [lazy]
supper tea & bread (butter) & pudding

Saturday, September 27, 1862

fair & not quite so cold this morning as yesterday morn(ing)
breckfast [breakfast] beef hash bread & coffee (& butter) I sent
a letter to Lewis (at Pittsfield) with
two five dollar bills in it bought
6 Apples .10 cts [cents] dinner potatoes beef

Sunday, September 28, 1862

fair & warm baked beef & coffee
Sent a letter to Lizzie
with a rose in it potatoes & baked
beef minester [minister] preached from
the 46th Chap [Chapter] of Romans a little better
Tea without sweeterning [sweetening] &
bread (butter

Monday, September 29, 1862

fair & pleasant warmer then [than]
common same breckfast [breakfast] beef bread & Tea
some rebel prisoners & some of our
men came in dinner bread soop [soup] & beef
bought 22 invelopes [envelopes] 22 cts [cents] 1 quire of Satin
paper 12 cts [cents] filled bed with new
wheat straw supper bread & weak tea not
very sweet

Tuesday, September 30, 1862

warm & fair Tea bread & meet [meat]
I bought a razor strap .25 cts [cents] tooth
brush .13 cts [cents] I sent a letter to
L.E. Blake pretty hot
dinner onions & bread putting supper Tea

Wednesday, October 1, 1862

I ain't [am not] quiet [quite] so well
Cloudy this morning soon burnt
off without any rain docter [doctor] came
round took my name to report to muster
Addlain said I won't be able so I
didn't go to my regt [regiment] 20 or 30 went
I bought 1/2 lb.butter .18 cts [cents] Coffe [Coffee] bread
beef potatoes soop [soup] (Tea, sauce, bread
brought to me) bought Inquire .05 (cents)

Thursday, October 2, 1862

the minster [minister] gave ous [us] a Testament
fair & warm in middle of the day
docter [doctor] came around I sent the Phila [Philadelphia]
Inquire home to Father docter [doctor] ordered
beef tea, beef stake [steak] bought a
sugger [sugar] cake .05 (cents) Baltimore Clipper
.02 (cents) supper bread Tea & Apple sauce
eat to day where I sleep very warm

Friday, October 3, 1862

warm and pleasant I sent a paper
to Lewis & a letter Aunt
Gould this morn(ing) docter [doctor] ordered some
but didn't get it bread, stake, [steak,] potatoes, rice, with
suggar [sugar] & beef tea, coffee tosted [toasted] bread with butter

Saturday, October 4, 1862

fair & warm docter [doctor] came and ordered a dose
of salts besids [besides] whiskey 4 ounces Tea baked & boiled beef
tosted [toasted] bread, bread pudding, rice with suggar [sugar] beef tea
I received a letter from Father with
good news & Loretta wrote a few lines news too
daited [dated] Sept 30th mailed Oct 1st four days coming

Sunday, October 5, 1862

growing cool nights & mornings warm
in middle of the day same tosted [toasted] bread coffe [coffee] boiled
beef rice & Tea with butter Mr. Powel came
& asked how are you to day he Preached in
afternoon very few to meeting I was
unable to attend my eyes pained me insides
my stomach is sour victuals hert [hurt] me I received
the Tribune & Independent from

Monday, October 6, 1862

coolish [cool] this morning I sent a letter
to Father docter [doctor] ordered som [some]
(note: nothing else written this day)

Tuesday, October 7, 1862

(note: nothing written this day)

Wednesday, October 8, 1862

fair & warm I bought 5
Apples .05 (cents) baked meat bread
I received a letter from
Lewis daited [dated] Oct 3rd & 5th &
one from S. J. Berry in same
dated Oct 4th stating that he
had received $61.00 paid $.4.33

Thursday, October 9, 1862

fair & warm I bought one
cake .05 (cents)

Friday, October 10, 1862

Cloudy & rainy I bought 10
cts [cents] worth of cucumber pickels [pickles]
I received a letter from
Lizzie dated Oct 6th

Saturday, October 11, 1862

Cloudy & rainy I bought a
pair of calf shoes 2.50 dollars
my eyes are some better but
they are weak paid the Dutchman
for washing shirt .06 cts [cents]

Sunday, October 12, 1862

Cold windy & rainy held the head
down most all day continued pain in
my eyes & knee (left) beef bread &
butter ripe tomatoes sliced up
peper [pepper] & vinegar or [over] them rice & potatoes
tea & coffee

Monday, October 13, 1862

Cold rainy my eyes continue
the same as yestaday [yesterday] knee
the same tea, bread, & butter, rice
with suggar [sugar] bread pudding, beef b [boiled]
& tea I bought the
S Evening Star two cents
roll of Checkerbery [Checkerberry] & roll of Peppermine .13 cts [cents]

Tuesday, October 14, 1862

Cloudy & coolish [cool] coffee baked
beef toasted buttered bread
the docter [doctor] gave me two
pills one pint of milk
.05 cts [cents] gave it to Cha [Charles] Zahn

Wednesday, October 15, 1862

fair and a little coolish [cool]
I sent a letter to Lewis
at Pittsfield with two five
dollar bills in it I bought
1/2 Apple pie .07 (cents) cakes .05 (cents) paper .03 (cents)

Thursday, October 16, 1862

fair and warm rice, potatoes,
tea, beef, bread tosted [toasted] had a baked
Irish potato for the first time since home I
received a letter from Father &
Phila [Philadelphia] Inquira [Inquirer] .05 (cents)
bought suggar [sugar] cakes .05 cts [cents] 4 pickels [pickles] .05 (cents)

Friday, October 17, 1862

coolish [cool] & warm sent a
paper to Father received the
Independent & Tribune from
home I saw in the N. H. Statesman
my name put down as
dibility [disability]: no better Weekes was
down liver complain: some better

Saturday, October 18, 1862

warm days but cool nights I
sent a letter to Father &
folk at home Lizzie & Ma a woman
came with Cherry preserves dried
cherry to be soaked then stewed I got
three kinds sweet sour & dried she
gave it free (from Micagan [Michigan]) butter Apple sauce

Sunday, October 19, 1862

up and down most of the night foogy [foggy]
& coolish [cool] this morn(ing) the minister
preached from the 15th Chapter of
St. John I received a corse [coarse] coam [comb]
from the citizens a [of] Jent [gentleman] two
women and a boy gave them comes [combs] to all
that wanted them (sauce, potato, rice, tea & coffee)

Monday, October 20, 1862

windy but pleasant & fair for fall
(absent (at) times) no so well coffee
buttered bread potatoes rice baked meet [meat]
bought 4 cakes & two apples .10 cts [cents]
(Apples as large as Oranges, .03 (cents) a piece) same

Tuesday, October 21, 1862

fair weather
very windy cool frosty morning
docter [doctor] came but took a slite [slight, meaning quick]
look to [at] ous [us] coffee bread with gravy
pudding, rice, potatoes, baked beef
tea, docters [doctors] takeing [taking] a wend [wen, meaning small tumor] out of my
neck not very well eat no supper
about 30 prisoners came from Richmond

Wednesday, October 22, 1862

very windy frosty cool all day
coffee, bread, rice, potatoes, baked beef
& tea bought the Phila [Philadelphia]
Inquirer .05 cts [cents] on hand $7.95
continue the same
docter [doctor] gave me 9 pills

Thursday, October 23, 1862

coolish [cool] little windy docter [doctor]
ordered beef tea for me
bought a piece of crambey [cranberry]
pie mixture in it bread potatoes &c
.05 (cents) rice (suggar [sugar] on) bread, beef, potatoes
sent a Phila [Philadelphia] Inquirer to Father
fair weather

Friday, October 24, 1862

(cold night same windy fair)
docter [doctor] left some gala pills
took my name
I bought two apples .05 (cents) bread meet [meat]
potatoes 7 soldiers of the 14th
N.H. came here N.H. man
brought suggar [sugar] apple sauce & Weekes a wool shirt

Saturday, October 25, 1862

still and fair a little cool morn(ing)
docter [doctor] ordered same linamint [liniment]
(a funeral this afternoon a fellow
soldier buried) (a quarter of apple
pie of Weeks) cool eavening [evening]
potatoes, rice, meet [meat], tosted [toasted] bread,
Apple, sauce

Sunday, October 26, 1862

Cloudy & rainy cold North-
east storm laid a bed most
of the day so cold read the Testament
(rice, potatoes, meet [meat], tea, bread)
I eat a very little to day
very rainy indeed no
meeting to day

Monday, October 27, 1862

storm continued rainy &
windy (lay a bed to keep warm)
(There is a funeral two
soldiers berried [buried]) Rev
Mr. Powel visited ous [us] cleared
of cold & windy (white bread, pudding
meet [meat], potatoes, tosted [toasted] bread, tea

Tuesday, October 28, 1862

cold frosty night Lewis Stevens
went down city docter [doctor] came I bought
.06 cts [cents] worth of candy paid Dutchman
for washing shirt .06 cts [cents] (last night
a buiscuit [biscuit] .03 cts [cents]) rice, tosted [toasted bread,
potatoes, meet [meat] & tea

Wednesday, October 29, 1862

nights are cool & frosty
docter [doctor] came examed [examined] Hawkins
A funeral one Soldier burried [buried]
20 soldiers started for there [their]
regts [regiments] news came that some was struck (2 years men N Y)
from the pay roll rosted [roasted] potatoe [potato]
meet [meat] bread coffee & tea

Thursday, October 30, 1862

fair & pleasant cool night docter [doctor]
left some gala pills not much
news onley [only] rumerd [rumored] that the army
is advanceing [advancing] potato, meet [meat], rice
bread coffee & tea

Friday, October 31, 1862

pleasant & fair morning
some started for the regts [regiments]
three Apples .05 (cents) two soldiers
burried [buried] some Soldiers came
in about midnight

Saturday, November 1, 1862

fair & warm little foggy
mustered in for pay
the funeral of two soldiers
this afternoon bought a pint
of milk .05 (cents)

Sunday, November 2, 1862

fair & warm I received
A Letter from Lewis
Mailed at Northwood
Narrows stateing [stating] that he had
the $90.00 on hand of mine

Monday, November 3, 1862

cool & windy to day
doctor ordered some Cod-
liver Oil take a tablespoon-
full three times a day
1 cucumber pickel [pickle] .03 cts [cents]
stockings washed .02 cts [cents]

Tuesday, November 4, 1862

sharp air foggy cloudy &
windy Sent a letter to
Lewis at Pittsfield (previous three lines crossed out)
I bought
stick of whoar hound [horehound] candy .04 (cents) paper .02 (cents)
fair but windy warm in sun
they sent soldiers to N.Y.
some 48 of them

Wednesday, November 5, 1862

sharp air foggy cloudy &
windy Sent a letter to
Lewis at Pittsfield
I received a letter
from L. E. Blake

Thursday, November 6, 1862

Cloudy & very windy & cold
I bought a pair of
Government stockings .25 cts [cents]

Friday, November 7, 1862

cold windy & snowed most
all day I bought a pint
of scolt [scald] milk .05 (cents) half a Apple
pie .05 (cents) I kept the bed
most of the day

Saturday, November 8, 1862

cold weather but warm in
the sun about noon
Leiut. [Lieutenant] Chas. P Brown &
Joseph Hoit came
heard from Fogg

Sunday, November 9, 1862

cold & windy

Monday, November 10, 1862

fair and pleasant some
windy I bought an
Apple pie .10 (cents) Sent Weeks
.11 (cents)

Tuesday, November 11, 1862

in care of Lieut. Brown received a letter & papers from Lizzie
warm in the sun cold
wind bought a pair of
cotten [cotton] wool shirts with a
false bosom $4.00 a pair of
spenders [suspenders] throwed [thrown] in Lieut. Chas.
P. Brown & Jos. Hoit came gave ous [us] plum cake mince
pie suggar [sugar] cakes from Epsom

Wednesday, November 12, 1862

Cloudy some chilley [chilly] sprinkle a
little rain docter [doctor] ordered some
Brandy visitors came docter [doctor]
Badger, Lieut. Brown, Joseph
Hoit, Mr. Mason and one more
of N.H. Com. they began to build
the barracks

Thursday, November 13, 1862

lovely morn(ing) fair & pleasant a piece
of maceral [mackerel] little sweet pudding & potatoes tea supper
tea three crackers totled [totaled] & buttered
bread I eat the crackers little tea
they took my name for a
discharge came to get my
discriptions [descriptions] to make out

Friday, November 14, 1862

fair & pleasant some chilley [chilly]
some comandering [commandeering] practice
eat some baked meet [meat] mackeral [Mackerel] &
potatoes (bread rice pudding) tea
writeing [writing] a letter
Sold some green tea for pt [pint] of milk

Saturday, November 15, 1862

I bought 4 apples .05 cts [cents] milk .05 cts [cents]
cool wind fair weather sent a
letter to Lizzie (&) J. Sherburne
docter [doctor] Badger came & Old Bean
came & gave me a red flannel shirt
& ous [us] some dride [dried] apple sauce 3 pints
& a pint bottle of Tamarinds
sworped [swapped] that shirt & got a blouse & bosom
shirt of W(ool)

Sunday, November 16, 1862

mostly cloudy cold & windy
docter [doctor] ordered some half pint of
cod-liver oil some sick &
wounded soldiers came
baked & boiled beef mackeral [mackerel] 2 potatoes
rice, bread, tea, coffee, Apple sauce

Monday, November 17, 1862

Cloudy misty & rainy some chilley [chilly]
docter [doctor] came to eat beef & mackeral [mackerel]
potatoes two, rice, coffee, tea
tosted [toasted] buttered bread & Apple
sauce got a letter from Lewis
was (Nov) dated Nov 13th mailed 14th

Tuesday, November 18, 1862

Chilley [Chilly] Cloudy & misty some
rainy I bought an Apple pie
12 cts [cents] four suggar [sugar] cakes .04 cts [cents]
3 Apples .05 cts [cents] grape & bread
pie .05 (cents) Sent Weeks .10 cts [cents]
coffee bread meet [meat] Apple sauce tea
some 80 sick & wounded soldiers came

Wednesday, November 19, 1862

Foggy cloudy & misty little
rainy coffee boild [boiled] Ham

Thursday, November 20, 1862

Cloudy & rainy with thunder
showers received my discharge
started for the city bought a pie .10 (cents)
& doenuts [doughnuts] .05 cts [cents] stoped [stopped] in the city

Friday, November 21, 1862

cloudy & rainy got my pay from
the government $56.20 (monthly pay $33.80)

started from Washington at 5 o'clock for

Saturday, November 22, 1862

cloudy fair & rainy snow storm
arived [arrived] in N.Y. city about 5 o'clock

arived [arrived] in Concord city about 8 1/2 o'clock

Sunday, November 23, 1862

Cloudy & fair stoped [stopped] at Uncle
Gould's all day

Monday, November 24, 1862

fair & little thawish [thawing] I went
down from Aunts on the street
bought 1 lb. of dates .10 cts [cents] 1 qut [quart] of
chesnuts [chestnuts] .10 (cents) 1/2 lb. raisins, .10 (cents)
took breckfast [breakfast] & dinner to Aunts started
for home road [rode] down (to) Epsom with Wm.
Yeaton Father had the spotted cow
killed Eld Quimby called in to see ous [us]

Tuesday, November 25, 1862

Cloudy & rainy Uncle Cate
came over Eld Quimby came after _____ (stelards?)
I waid [weighed] yestaday [yesterday] 137 lbs. at
Uncle Blake's store Eld Peffers came
& maid [made] short stop Joseph Robinson came
up this eavening [evening]

Wednesday, November 26, 1862

rainy cloudy & snowy in the
eavening [evening] Mr. Marden came
up & brought up ______ (Malace?) & Buck born
____ (rait?) for the bowels & to strengthen
the body boil it and put in some
milk let it simer [simmer] down

Thursday, November 27, 1862

fair & pleasant Judge White came
Daniel Yeaton come [came] to see me a meeting
at the Bapt. to day

Mr. & Mrs. Goss & Noah Goss
came in the eavening [evening]

Friday, November 28, 1862

fair Father went to
Concord with load of straw
Uncle Peabody & Aunt
Uncle Langmaid & little
Grandma Blake came stoped [stopped]
part of an hour John Emery came
Aunt Cate & Almond & Anncy Cate

Saturday, November 29, 1862

Cloudy part of the day
Mr. John Yeaton & wife &
child came Wm. Towl [Towle]
came in the eavening [evening]
I road [rode] out to the mill
I sent a letter to Lewis Stevens & a
postage stamp with it

Sunday, November 30, 1862

fair some cloudy coolish [cool]
bare grown snow in places
Father Loretta & Adele went to meeting
Mr. Stickney Robinson came up at noon

Monday, December 1, 1862

snowed this morning rainy
snow went off Horace
Bickford brought up some (incomplete sentence)
Haney 1/2 lb. warmwood [wormwood] too John
Goss & Baker came up this eavening [evening]

Tuesday, December 2, 1862

fair pleasant & coolish [cool]
Philap [Phillip] & Horace came to
help Father brake [break] up in the
back field beyond the rock field
growing very cold Aunt
Mosses [Moses] gave me a pair of milking (cows)

Wednesday, December 3, 1862

the grown [ground] foze [froze] last night
cold fair with warm sun
in middle of the day Horace
called at noon he was to
work at Goss'es [Goss's] Father out
to the mill to work growing
cloudy loos like snow

Thursday, December 4, 1862

cold & frosty Father went to
see Mrs. Mosses [Moses] I road [rode] up to
Uncle David's stoped [stopped]
all night Uncle Cate called
up there I called to Cousin
Casses as I went up

Friday, December 5, 1862

cold & cloudy Uncl [Uncle] David
his hog & pig I came home in
foornoon [forenoon] called to Uncle Cate's
they killed hog & cow Father
killed two hogs it commenced
to (incomplete sentence)

Saturday, December 6, 1862

snowed & blowed [blew] all day
a foot of snow came
last night & this morning
they but the hog's fat up
Joseph Marsh came to _____ (afoot?)
Goss's sheep

Sunday, December 7, 1862

fair and very windy snow
blowed [blew] all day uncom-
fortable to be out Mr. Goss
started after his sheep at eight
keep house most of the
day cold

Monday, December 8, 1862

fair but very cold I
was makeing [making] _____ (puter?) & mending
pans [pants] Father carried the
girls to school in sleigh
(first use of the sleigh this winter)
Uncle David Aunt & Grandmother
came in the eavening [evening]

Tuesday, December 9, 1862

Cold morning fair day
Mrs. Mosses [Moses] came over to the mill
to work

Wednesday, December 10, 1862

(no entry)

Thursday, December 11, 1862

fair warm thawey [thawing]
Father went to Concord after
Lewis & Lizzie they came from
Laconia to Concord Father bought
me two hankerchiefs [handkerchiefs] .25 (cents) a pair
boots $4.25 Jacob Higgins died

Friday, December 12, 1862

fair & warm thawey [thawing] south
Shalott [Charlotte] Sanders came
& stoped [stopped] all night

Saturday, December 13, 1862

Cloudy, cold raw air
Horace called Father halling [hauling]
up some wood (stove wood) broke
the ____ (bead?) piece on Horace's cart

Sunday, December 14, 1862

(no entry)

Monday, December 15, 1862

(no entry)

Tuesday, December 16, 1862

(no entry)

Wednesday, December 17, 1862

(no entry)

Thursday, December 18, 1862

I went up to Grandsires
Blakes stoped [stopped] at dinner &
supper up to Uncle Blakes
after supper stoped [stopped] all

Friday, December 19, 1862

Cold & rough rideing [riding] up to
Grandsire Blakes went
up to Uncle Blakes in
eavening [evening] stoped [stopped] all night
went to Concord bought things
for an overcoat/pants half a
yd. linen .25 cts [cents] Diary .42 cts [cents] figs .01 (cents)

Saturday, December 20, 1862

cold day to tend the fire
windows all frosted up as
white as snow Uncle &
Aunt Gould came down
to Uncle David's, Almon's [Almonds] Lizzie
Lewis & Father letter came back Aug.

Sunday, December 21, 1862

weather moderated a little
Uncle & Aunt Gould & Cousin
Lizzie Sherburne came & stoped [stopped] to
dinner Uncle David brought
Lizzie (&) Abby up from meeting

Monday, December 22, 1862

(no entry)

Tuesday, December 23, 1862

(no entry)

Wednesday, December 24, 1862

(no entry)

Thursday, December 25, 1862

I went down to Horace
Bickford's stoped [stopped] all day

Friday, December 26, 1862

(no entry)

Saturday, December 27, 1862

(no entry)

Sunday, December 28, 1862

(no entry)

Monday, December 29, 1862

(no entry)

Tuesday, December 30, 1862

(no entry)

Wednesday, December 31, 1862

(no entry)